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Wilhelmina's POV

I heard y/n leave the room and I walked over to my wife. I took her soft, cold hand in mine and kissed it gently.

"Why did you have to go?" I whispered, "if you had just told me, it wouldn't have come to this. I hurt y/n. I was upset and angry and I just turned on her. I miss you too much, already. But I can't show her that. No one has to know," and with that, I kissed her softly and left my room, leaving the greys to dispose of her delicate body.

I made my way past y/n's room without stopping and walked down to the dining room. I stood until he doorway as I watched y/n sob in front of the fire.

I did nothing, just sat and watched as she cried. I decided I wasn't letting anyone in again, and that included my daughter.

"Mum, I just want to go home," she whispered, I knew it wasn't to me, "I want to be back in my room with the dogs and you and no problems at all. I want Wilhelmina to love me again and I want you to know that I love you so much and that will never change,"

I walked silently from the door to the fireplace, what parts of guitar could still be seen. She had salvaged half the burnt fretboard and was holding it close.

I stared into the fire for what seemed like an eternity, before y/n said something.

"Did you know she was ill?" She whispered.



"You need to be in bed, it's past curfew," I said emotionlessly.



"You're a monster," she snarled, before leaving the room.

I said nothing, just continued to stare into the flames as they continued to tear apart the guitar.

As I turned around a little while later, y/n was stood in the room again.

"I thought I said it was bedtime?" I growled.

"OK, Goodnight," she grinned, as she launched herself at me and penetrated my stomach with a knife.

I looked up to meet her stone cold gaze, and I knew she had been wanting to do this for a very long time. As I fell to the ground, a smirk passed over her face. I curled around the blade, my blood creating a pool on the floor, as I stared into her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and then the darkness consumed me, but not before I heard her say "I'm not,".

Y/n's POV

I pulled the knife from her dead body and then found myself stabbing her repeatedly all over her torso and legs. She deserved this. She deserved to suffer.

There was blood everywhere. All over my hands and face, up the walls and across the floor. At this point, she was completely unrecognisable. I picked up her dripping body and threw her on the fire with my guitar. I smiled at my work, after wiping my fingerprints off the knife and replacing them with Ms Mead's from a spare hand I found, I took off my shoes and went back to my room, where I threw all my clothes and shoes in the shower to clear the blood, before falling into a peaceful sleep, where I dreamt of her dead body burning slowly downstairs.

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