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1 month later...

Ms Mead's POV
I was sat with y/n on her bed again. This past week she had been trying to teach me how to play the guitar. I'll admit, she's a great teacher but it's just not sticking up there.

Once I had finally mastered four chords, we decided that it was enough for the night, and we put the guitars away.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?" I frowned.

"Everything. Mum and Wilhelmina have been a little too clingy with each other to notice me really, and you've stayed with me. You're actually an awesome friend," she smiled, hugging me close.

At first, it felt weird to be hugged, but after a while, I wrapped my arms around her and we stayed like that for a while is comfortable silence. I mean, it was comfortable silence until Ms Venable moaned from the next room along.

We pulled back and stared at the wall before another "AAAAAAH, MOMMY!" could be heard.

"They have been having adult hugs almost every night since we got here. I have heard many traumatising things," she stared blankly, still staring at the wall.

"MOMMY!" I think it was Ms Venable who screamed but I'm not sure because at that pitch, I'm surprised it's not just cats and dogs that could hear it.

"Do you want to come and stay in my office for a little while?" I asked her, still shocked.

"There's really no point, Ms Mead. They'll be at it for hours," she sighed, covering her ears as various noises became louder.

"We could have a sleepover in the library if you want?" I smiled at her.

"Really?! Just us?!" She grinned.

"Yes, I just think we should get you away from that for a night," I pointed to the wall as another scream was heard.

"Let's get out of here," she nodded and grabbed some blankets before opening her door and walking into the corridor.

Weirdly enough, it was silent in the corridor despite the acts being carried out in Ms Venable's room. I guessed the front wall must be soundproof.

Once we got into the library, y/n threw her two blankets and some pillows down on the floor.

"I like the colourful one," I smiled at the rainbow blanket that y/n was wrapping herself up in.

"Thanks, my biological Mum made it years and years ago. It was for my room when she decorated it," she smiled softly, pulling the blanket a little tighter around her body.

The fire had been put out in the library, so I had to go candle hunting. I found 27 various candles around the room and we set them up around our tiny camp in the middle of the comfy chairs that were centred in the room.

"Tell me a story," I said as y/n stared off I got he distance.

"About what?" She frowned.

"I don't mind, anything you want,"

"You want a story about anything? How about the time I found out Wilhelmina had a boyfriend?!"

"She had a boyfriend?!"

"SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND!" She laughed.

"OK now I need to know about this," I laughed and she begun her story.

"Three months after Jeff had moved in, Wilhelmina started acting weird. Really weird. She kept leaving hours early for work and not getting back until early morning hours. Every time I tracked her, I was met with access denied or something similar. I talked to Jeff about it and he said he'd sort it.

It wasn't just that though, she would come home tipsy or unbelievably happy. Which never happened after work.

"Right give me your laptop." Jeff said one night when she was two hours late home.
"It won't work." I said when he tried to track her.
"Ohh smart move Venny but you're not getting away that quickly." He muttered as he started frantically typing some sort of code into the drive.

All of a sudden, a little blue dot appeared on the map labelled as 'y/n's phone'. Then there was another next to me labelled as 'King Jeff's selected weapon'. I giggled at the name and he smiled at me. Then a red dot showed up an hour's drive from us labelled as 'Mina's Phone'.
"BINGO!" Jeff yelled and punched the air, before hugging me tightly.
"Go get changed into something dark and warm. Leave your phone in your room and turn it completely off.Pack an overnight bag just in case and then come downstairs and wait in here." Jeff told me. He was a great leader now he was sober.

I threw on a black jumper and a pair of black leggings. A grey beanie to keep me warm and my black vans as well. I threw my blanket and an outfit into a backpack (along with two books just in case). I turned off my phone and put it next to my bed before running downstairs to meet Jeff still sat at my laptop.

"You ready?" He asked not looking up from the red dot and the code he was typing up in lightning speed.
"Yep." I replied and he handed me the computer.
"Don't close it!" He jumped as I went to shut the lid.

He grabbed his keys and wallet and left the house with me trailing after him, laptop in arms.

Jeff kept asking if she had moved but I always answered no. We stopped for a coffee and cookies before continuing our journey. Priorities am I right?

"We have a hotel room booked. I messaged Venny and told her I was taking you out for dinner as a thank you for everything. I also told her it was a while away where we were going so I booked us rooms to save me from driving home tired. Got that?" He spilled.
"Yes." I replied, "My phone, won't she be suspicious?" I realised.
"She thinks it isn't working properly and I am going to fix it tomorrow. I told her it was losing charge fast and kept heating up. It's a common issue with iPhones so she didn't question it.". He really thought about this didn't he?

"LOOK!" he screamed, pointing at something.
"HAIL SATAN! YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. IM PRACTICALLY JESUS NOW!" I yelled, my heart rate at 156bpm. After Mum's accident, I hated cars. I always did before that but now I was really jumpy.

"LOOK!" he screamed again. I looked. Mina's car was outside a massive house in a gated estate.
"Damn! Look at them!" I goggled at the size of the houses. A few were bigger than Wilhelmina's but not many. Her house still shocked me nearly three years later.

"LOOK!" he shrieked, shanking me violently and pointing at something.
"WHAT?!" I yelled and then I saw it. I saw her. With a man!" She gagged a little and I laughed.

"A MAN!?"

I was so confused. I swore she was gay af. But apparently not. We just sat there looking at them and then... he pulled her close by her ass and kissed her. Her eyes closed and she put her arms around his neck before he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso. Then he took her inside and they were seen no more," she glared at the candles.

"I would be traumatised,"

"She has no idea I ever saw it," she giggled and then we went to sleep on the chairs, completely shattered from y/n's thrilling story.

Help Me part 5 Where stories live. Discover now