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Billie's POV
I woke up pressed against y/n, her colourful blanket covering the two of us. I looked over the top of her but found the bed empty. Now where the hell was Mina?

I rolled over and found a note next to me:


If you're awake before 8:00, you can come downstairs for breakfast, but don't be late because if you are, I might just have to punish you ;)

~Your Mina xx

I clenched my thighs at that thought. I hadn't had good sex for a year. Once or twice, Jeff and I had sexy time but it wasn't that good. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw we still had ten minutes until we were late.

I woke y/n up and we got dressed and ready, before reconvening in the hallway and walking down to the dining room. We were late. Oh no what a shame! Can I claim my punishment now or do I need a membership?

We sauntered into the dining room and Mina's cold face softened a little as I walked over to her and kissed her gently. The room went from loud and chatty, to drop dead silent in an instant.

Mina shook her head a little and smirked, as I pulled away, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"OH MY GOD!" Someone screamed. I turned to see a blonde man stood up with his mouth open staring at us, "SHE HAS FEELINGS!"






"FUCK ME SLOWLY WITH A CHAINSAW!" I heard y/n yell, making me giggle a little.



"IM NOT ALONE!" The blonde man from earlier grinned.

Various people were screaming things. I was so shocked by them all that I didn't notice Mina grab a candle holder, before slamming it down so hard that it dented the table.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" She shouted, making everyone go silent.

"Take a seat, both of you," she smiled at y/n and I. Y/n smiled back! I figured something must have happened after I fell asleep last night.

"This is Billie and y/n, they've come from outpost 2, which was raided by cannibalistic savages last night. They'll be staying with us from now on and you're to treat them with the same respect that you treat myself and Ms Mead," she spoke with in a cold manner but I could sense the slightly warm undertone directed at me and y/n.

Mina and I said very little to each other during breakfast. Our legs wandered a little higher up each other every now and then but it was nothing but comfort and love.

Y/n on the other hand was sat talking to everyone! She had never been good at socialising but after spending a year with Jeff, she was always talking to everyone now.

After breakfast, y/n hugged Mina, getting a few more shocked looks before going to the common room with the other purples, leaving Mina and myself to do whatever we wanted.

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