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Mum's POV

I tapped gently on y/n's door to see if she was awake. Nothing. I pushed my way into her room silently and saw her sprawled out on her bed surrounded by various instruments and wires.

I picked up the items off her bed and slowly lifted her up, before pulling back her duvet and slipping her under it.

"Mum?" She groaned.

"Hey sweetheart, I just came to check on you," I smiled softly, as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me down with her on the bed.

I slid under the covers with her and she rested her head on my shoulder, whilst her hands played with my blonde hair.

"Y/n?" I whispered. Now was a good time to tell her.


"You know you asked why I had been acting weird the other day?"

"Yes," she frowned.

"These past two months, I've been seeing someone," I smiled.

"What like a girlfriend?"

"Yes, she's called Wilhelmina. She's so lovely and kind and absolutely stunning," I found myself getting lost in the thought of her.

"That's a pretty name," y/n smiled, still half asleep.

"And she's a very pretty woman," I grinned.

"Ooh the ultimate Billie Dean Howard is in love," she giggled.

"I think I am,"

"So when do I get to meet this future wife of your's?" She smirked.

"Soon, I promise. But Jeff doesn't know, so you can't tell him just yet,"

"I promise, Mum," she wrapped her little finger in mine, and fell asleep shortly after.

I watched her chest rise and fall as she slept. My little angel, and finally my legal daughter. I loved y/n so much, it was unbearable to go to work sometimes and leave her with Jeff, but I managed and when I got home, she would run out of the door and hug me tightly. I would pick her up and twirl her around, whilst kissing her temple softly every evening when I showed up.

I couldn't wait for y/n to finally meet Wilhelmina. I was so excited but also terrified. What if they didn't get along? I would never leave y/n but it would break me if I left Mina.

I ran my fingers through y/n's y/h/c strands, sighing lightly as comfort washed over me. I looked back down at her soft features and knew, that it didn't matter what ever happened, this little girl was all I would ever need. She was my home.

I was really trying to be a good Mother for y/n. It was difficult, especially when she kept setting herself on fire, but I was trying. And that's all that mattered. The second I gave up trying, would be the second I failed as a parent. And I didn't plan on failing any time soon.

A single tear rolled down my face as I thought about how much I loved the innocent little human, but I didn't wipe it. My left hand was still being kept by y/n's little finger, and my right hand had found it's place in y/n's hair and wouldn't be moving for anything as minor as a tear.

I fell asleep thinking about y/n.

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