Let's Talk

75 5 19

Wilhelmina's POV

"Y/n?" I whispered and sat down next to her. She was crying softly in a grey corridor, away from everyone else, with her knees brought up to her chest and her head rested on her arms so I couldn't see her face.

"Go away," she mumbled.

"I want to talk to you," I frowned, getting ready to go.

"You do? Why?" She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"I want to make us right again,"

"Really? I didn't think you cared,"

"Sorry? Sweetheart of course I care! You're my daughter and I have been the shittiest mother in the world these past few years,"

"I don't think there're many mothers left so I mean, that's not difficult," she sighed.

"I missed you so much,"

"Then why did you choose Billie over me?" She looked away.

"Because you... you would've been OK," I sobbed.


"Billie would have killed her self, y/n. I wanted to tell you both it would happen, I really, really did, but if anyone found out either of you knew, the four of us would've died, that included Jeff,"

"Jeff?" She whispered, frowning slightly.

I found myself speechless in that moment. I hooked my finger under her chin and turned her head to look at me. When our eyes locked, all I could do was nod slightly.

Y/n held her gaze for a minute, before throwing her arms around my neck and sitting in my lap. We stayed like that for a while and I held her close until her quiet sobs could be heard through the corridor and her body shook lightly. Once that started, I held her so tightly that I was almost scared of snapping a rib.

"Mum?" She whispered after a while.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"You're squeezing too hard,"

"Sorry," I laughed, letting her go.

"I love you," she sighed, staring into my eyes.

"I love you too, darling, so so much," I cried and pulled her into me again.

"I'm sort of happy this apocalypse thingy happened," she sniffed.

"What? Why?" I pushed her back a little so I could see if she was joking.

"Yeah, now I know that Graham is either dead of suffering immensely," she giggled.

"You're so fucked up," I smirked, "and totally my kid," I laughed.

"I learned from the best," she laughed.

"I think he probably suffered, considering where the bombs dropped," I smiled a little.

"Thank fucking Gaga for that," she grinned.

"Y/n! Language!" I frowned.

"Oh yeah, sorry I've not around you much for you to tell me off,"

"I know, I'm sorry,"

"It's OK, as long as you try to not have adult hugs so loud!" She punched my arm playfully.

"I will try not to," I blushed.

"Thank god! You're my Mum, not Billie's and vice versa. I shouldn't have to hear you having adult hugs and why would you call her that?!" She whined.

"I'm sorry!"

"Of all the kinky names out there and that had to be the one? Please you couldn't have  thought of something more original? It's the most basic name ever!"

"How do you know about all this?!" I frowned.

"Fan fiction," she stated, blankly.

"Oo y/n, did you read smutty fan fiction!?" I smirked.

"I... umm... I ALWAYS KEPT TWO HANDS ON THE PHONE I SWEAR!" She raised her hands in mock surrender but I had my answer.

"How about we go back to your room and cuddle?" I suggested, taking her hands in mine.

"Sounds good. Just us?"

"Just us," I smiled and handed her the rainbow blanket, "I love that thing," I laughed pointing to it.

"Yeah, me too," she giggled as we walked down the corridor and back to y/n's room.

Once we got there, I ran into my room and told Billie I was staying with y/n, which she was happy about because she knew that we had been having problems. I kissed her goodnight and went back into y/n's room.

I pushed open the room and flopped down on the bed next to my daughter. Automatically, her arm went around my waist and her head rested on my chest. I pulled out the pins in her hair, before running my fingers through it.

"Hmm, that feels nice," she whispered.


After a little while, y/n fell asleep on me, and I followed not long after, smiling softly knowing she still loved me.

Help Me part 5 Where stories live. Discover now