Miss Wilhelmina

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Y/n's POV
I was so excited. In five minutes, Mum would be walking through the front door with her new girlfriend, who I finally got to meet!

"We're home, beautiful," Mum's voice sounded frown downstairs. I was sat on my bed but I was at the front door in an instant ready to meet Wilhelmina.


She was gorgeous.

The lady wore all purple with long fiery red hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her gold rimmed glasses sat perfectly on the bridge of her nose and there were no imperfections anywhere on her face. She was beautiful.

"Y/n sweetie, this is Wilhelmina," Mum smiled at me, "Mina, this is my daughter, y/n,"

"Hi!" I grinned at the pretty lady.

"Hello," she held out a perfectly manicured hand, and to that, I stared at it and then I just hugged her. I think I took her by surprise because at first she didn't hug back, but then she did and she was awesome at giving hugs.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled, pulling back.

"You too, y/n," she said my voice so prettily.

"OK girls, I have a few things that I need to get done for work do do you think you can entertain yourselves?" Mum asked.

"I'm sure we could find something to do," Wilhelmina smiled at me, making me smile back.

"OK, I'll be in my office if you need me," and then Mum went off.

"So, what do you want to do," she smirked at me.

"Water fight?" I suggested.

"It's dark outside,"

"Water fight in the dark?" I grinned.

"OK," she nodded and I ran upstairs to grab various water guns and buckets.

We made our way outside with buckets of freezing water and guns, before setting up our bases.

"OK, so that is your base," I pointed to Wilhelmina's buckets and guns, "and that is my base. If we're in base, you're not allowed to shoot, but you're only allowed in base to refill. We are allowed to attack bases, but if you're caught and shot, you give the other person a free shot at you. The only reason you would attack base would be for water or guns. You got all that?" I smiled.

"I think so. Water fights are more complicated than they used to be though," she laughed.

"Oh and no water in the house because Mum will murder me," I frowned and she nodded, before we both headed to base to fill up, this could be very fun.

We each had a torch to carry round because of how dark it was, but I didn't think I would use mine, I wanted to go full stealth attack. I filled up only two of my guns. One for taking out and one for switching when this one ran out. It wasn't a good idea to fill all of them, because if I was raided by Wilhelmina, she would have my guns and half my water supply.

"You ready?!" I shouted across the garden, to her base.


"THEN THE FIGHT BEGINS!" I yelled, running from my base and attacking Wilhelmina with water.

"IT'S COLD!" She squealed, not trying to shoot me back and only protecting herself.

But then she turned on me with a water rifle and started to shoot me without mercy. I'll admit it was cold, but as M said in James Bond, "never let them see you bleed," so I put up with it and pretended I was fine, despite the temperature my body was now at.

Once both guns were empty, I refilled and went back out there, we were fighting near the house now. We were a little wet one second, and then next, we were soaking. We looked up out of the top window and saw Mum holding up a bucket out of the window. We looked at each other for a minute, before she poured it again.

Wilhelmina and I started to shoot at Mum, but she closed the window.

"I say we go inside and hug her," I suggested.

"That's not a bad idea," she agreed. So we both put our guns and in base and squelched our way inside and up to Mum's office, where we drowned her in soggy hugs.

"I'm drenched," Wilhelmina laughed.

"Same," I joined in.

"Both of you go and have a hot shower and I'll get you some fluffy pyjamas each, you're both freezing," Mum smiled and looked at us both shivering in her office.

So we both took hot showers and dried off, before reappearing in my room because Mum was still working.

"You wanna watch a film?" I asked Wilhelmina, flopping down on my bed.

"Sure," she smiled.

I patted the bed next to me and she sat down, before I threw my rainbow blanket over us and started to look for a film.

"I like your blanket,"

"Thanks. My birth Mum made it for me. I protect it with my life, you're a pretty special person if you get to touch the blanket," I said, scrolling through Netflix.

"But I'm touching the blanket,"

"Exactly," I stared and saw her smile out of the corner of my eye.

We decided on a a comedy called Tammy with Kathy Bates in it and after five minutes, we slid under the duvet to be warmer. I curled up against Wilhelmina and she put her arms around me, whilst I played with her long, pretty hair.

"You're awesome," I sighed, extremely tired. The film had ended ten minutes ago but neither of us had moved.

"Really? You're awesome too," she giggled.

"Thanks," I smiled, and then we both fell asleep together in my bed. I liked Wilhelmina, she was pretty cool.

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