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Jeff's POV
We were sat in the huge hall. A few members of the cooperative had come here to discuss the situation.

"So Ms Howard," Mr Michael Langdon smiled at Bill.

"Yes, Mr Langdon?"

"You're only allowed to take one of your gir-,"

"I choose y/n," she cut it.

"You choose your daughter to survive?"

"Yes," she nodded, tears pricking her eyes.

"I'm trust you already are aware your fiancé will not make it,"

"I'm aware,"

"Right. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do for her, the only reason you get anyone at all, is because you helped with the prediction of our situation," he reminded her. I just wanted to run over and hug her.

"I know, thank you,"

"You will be picked up just before the bombs, as will your daughter. She will be taken to Mr Pfister's outpost but will have a space in yours, just in case something is to happen. For now, putting her with Mr Pfister is the best way, it means you have no distractions,"

"I understand, Mr Langdon,"

"Good, then I think this netting is over. I'll see you both when the end of the world happens,"

He shook our hands and left.

"Oh Jeff, I can't believe I had it choose," Billie sobbed into me.

"Shhh, I've got you, you made the right decision," I whispered softly to her, trying to calm her down.

"But Mina-,"

"You need to get married now! We don't have much time, Bill!" I told her and she nodded.

We ran to a few stores and got some supplies, before going home and setting up the garden for a tiny wedding. I got an officiator's licence online so it would be official.

"MINA GET READY WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Billie yelled upstairs.

"What?!" Wilhelmina frowned from the living room.

"Oh, you're there. Yeah I want to get married now. Jeff has a licence to do it, just go get ready," she smiled.

2 hours later...

Y/n's POV
"Mina, can I come in please?" I asked through her bedroom door. Mum was getting ready in Jeff's room.

"Of course, darling,"

I pushed open the door and saw Mina in a gorgeous white princess dress with a hint of purple to the skirt, but it was so subtle that it was almost invisible. Her hair fell in loose curls around her waist and her makeup was on point.

"Are you OK, sweetie?" She asked, walking over to me.

"You look... just... wow," I breathed out, making her giggle.

"Well you look wow, too babydoll," she smiled, taking her phone off the bedside table.

"Smile," she laughed, holding up the phone and getting the cutest picture of us, ever.

"Please send that to me," I laughed.


"Right I've been told I need to take you downstairs, but first I need to talk to you,"

"About what, gorgeous?"

"I'm so happy it's you that mum's marrying. I wouldn't change anything for the world Mina, which is why I was wondering if after the wedding, if you would be OK with me calling you Mum?" I closed my eyes from fear of rejection but then I get her arms go around my waist.

"I would like that more than anything, y/n,"


"Yes, now let's go before I cry," she laughed.


And they got married that afternoon in our back garden.

Mrs and Mrs Howard and y/n Howard too.

Help Me part 5 Where stories live. Discover now