Don't go

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Wilhelmina's POV

The four of us were laid on the grass watching the stars, all laughing and just enjoying one another. Billie was being really clingy, but I didn't mind. Her cute blonde head was on my shoulder and her arms we're holding me impossibly close.

The pair of us were a little bit further away from y/n and Jeff, so I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her temple.

"I love you so much," I whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered back.

We said nothing for a white and then I get my shoulder become wet.

"Sweetheart? Are you crying?" I asked softly.

"I just really care about you, Mina," she sobbed gently.

"I care about you too, Billie," I smiled.

"No, you don't understand!" She whined, sitting up and looking at me with a teary face, "I did something stupid a while ago and I think eventually, you'll find out, but I need you to promise that you'll still love me, when you do," she begged, taking my hands in her's.

I sat up slowly and wrapped my arms around her small waist.

"Billie, nothing you could ever do will change how much I fucking adore you," I whispered into her hair.

"I love you Mina,"

And then our phones went off.

Atomic Bomb Warning

"Not now," Billie mumbled, before there were bangs at the door.

"Billie, what's happening?" I asked calmly, looking into her swimming eyes.

"I love you," she whispered, before kissing me gently and pulling Jeff up. They walked towards the house leaving y/n and I together. Jeff went straight in but Billie stopped for a minute and turned to me.

"I'm so sorry, Mina," and then she had gone into the house, "I love you,"

Two minutes later, a man came and took y/n too.

"Is anyone coming for me?" I asked him.

"No, ma'am," he stated blankly. So this is why Billie was sorry. She had chosen y/n. I would've done too though.

"WAIT Y/N!" I stopped them both and pressed a letter into her hand.

"I love you y/n, so so much. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," I cried softly and took her gently in my arms.

"I love you too, Mum," she whispered, before she was taken from me and I watched them drive off.

"Please be OK," I thought to the truck as it disappeared.

I ran upstairs and peeled off my dress, putting it back in its heat protective bag. I replaced it for my favourite hoodie and jeans, before going back downstairs and grabbing one of Jeff's pistols.

"Goodbye Billie, I love you,"
I said, before the shot echoed through the house and everything went black.

Billie's POV
Was it the right choice? Should I have saved my daughter rather than my wife? I didn't think it through properly.

I pulled out my phone from my wedding dress pocket, and scrolled through the pictures of Mina and I from earlier that day. The happiest day of my life was also my saddest.

Help Me part 5 Where stories live. Discover now