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Cordelia's POV
The sirens blared through outpost three, as I walked down the halls with Michael on my side.

"What is that?" I pointed to something downstairs that was in a fireplace.

"IS THAT WILHELMINA?!" He asked, running down the stairs.

"OH MY GOD! MUM?!" I screamed, looking at her body on the fireplace, all mangled and bloody.

"We need to find Billie," Michael said, walking from the room as the sirens continued to sing their ghostly chorus.

"What about Mum?"

"She'll be OK remember? It all goes back," he took my hand and we ran through corridors.

"I sense y/n in here," I whispered, stopping in front of a large wooden door.

"We need Billie," he reminded me.

"She's not here," I said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Mum isn't here, only y/n," I said as I pushed open her door.

A 14 year old y/n looked at me with big teary eyes as I walked towards her. This must be young y/n.

"Who are you?" She whispered.

"My name is Cordelia and this is Michael. We're here to save you sweetheart," I smiled softly at her and sat next to her shaky body on her bed.

"Do you know where Ms Venable is?" I knew where she was but I knew y/n probably had no idea about Mum's body downstairs.

"I killed her," she smiled brightly, jumping up and down a little.

"You killed her?" I remained calm despite what was going on in my brain and what I was hearing.

"I stabbed her lots and lots and lots of times and then threw her on the fire with my guitar she burned in front of me but she deserved it,"

"Where is Ms Howard?" Michael asked, closing the bedroom door.

"She died yesterday. Ms Venable didn't care though, that's why I killed her. She didn't deserve to live," she glared.

"It's more serious than we thought, Delia," Michael said, frowning at me.

"I preferred the first version," I sighed.

"The first version of what?" Y/n frowned.

"Your life," I whispered, before clicking my fingers and snapping y/n's neck.

"She was so gorgeous when she was little," I smiled, realising I hadn't actually seen y/n young.

"So we have to restart again?" Michael sighed, tracing y/n's face lightly and holding my hand.

"I guess so, let's just hope my sister isn't sadistic in the next version," I smirked at him.

"She gets that from me," he grinned.

"Hey didn't you say there should be a robot somewhere?" I asked.

"Yeah but if Wilhelmina's dead, she will be too. No one to keep her running, shame really, she's quite nice,"


"When should we reset it?"

"I think we should change a few things first," I said, thinking.

"Such as?"

"What if it's Billie, who knew and became the leader of outpost 3? That way, y/n stays with Wilhelmina and Billie has no reason to kill herself,"

"That's a good idea, but Jeff has to die,"

"Oh yeah, obviously," I grinned.

"I liked how you made the zombie fuck him and then kill him," he laughed.

"No she bit off his dick," I laughed.

"Oh that was it,"

"I want that to stay the same," he said.


So we got to work planning Life 3.0 for Mums, Jeff and Y/n, throwing in some drama for us to stay entertained.

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