Chapter 1 - Morning at the Cafe

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Saturday, 8:30 am
( First chapter is a little messy but i swear it gets better 😭 )

Yamaguchi's Pov 
{ As I open my eyes to the blinding rays of sunlight, visible through the curtains and the annoying sound of my alarm going off, to my horror, realized that I'm late for my morning shift,
I cursed as I sprang out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom. I made sure to take a proper shower thoroughly and dry my hair. Looking good at all times was the sole requirement of my job. Sometimes, I'd see my colleagues get in serious trouble if they ever messed up the dress code. But otherwise, it was a well paying job and didn't require much effort.

I brushed my hair, put on a pair of black trousers, a white shirt on top then threw on a beige cardigan. Grabbing my bag with extra clothes in it to change into later, i hurried to the front door nervously glancing at the time.
I lived in an apartment in the city, not far from the cafe i worked in. So, i could just walk there or use public transportation.
Right now though, I decided to just sprint there and hope I don't get fired. }

Feeling a bit relieved when he saw his destination, (Although today felt like it took longer than usual), He was definitely nervous of what was to come.

He was still panting, huffing and puffing from all that running. Maybe he  should've taken the bike.
He slowly pushed the glass door and walked in observing the cafe full of customers. They don't usually have a lot of visiters in the morning, rather in the afternoon So, it must've been a busy morning for his co-workers.

Trying not to break the pleasant atmosphere, he tried to find his way towards the staff room to change. Hopefully not catching anyone's attention.
Oh shit.

He turned to the elder woman behind him. "S-Saeko-San!" .. " I promise you, I won't ever be late again.." He shook his head & apologised as much as he could.

Didn't change the fact that she was still tired of the same excuses. However, she sighed and eventually gave in.

"That's fine. A day or two of being late won't affect anything, But you take care of yourself. You look hideous." She joked & gave a pat on his back. It led him to giggle a little.

On a real note, Saeko-San was right. He had been completely worn out.

College, part time jobs, assignments, research works. It never ended.
No matter how hard it got, he never intended to quit this job though.  Saeko-San was like a sister to him. She helped him go through tough times and gave many helpful sisterly advices. So, i guess this was kind of a way to repay her.

Besides, he loved his job. Aside from meeting certain assholes and creeps everyday, he also got to meet many lovely people. It was a key component that always kept him from quitting.

While the cafe was getting a bit less crowded, he took this opportunity & slid into the dressing room.
The uniforms changed according to the day. Sometimes, they would experiment with newer designs. The specific one for today was a simpler black and white one. Neat, minimalistic, with no complicated finishes. It was comfortable so, he liked it.

He slid the fabric over his head, then put on the maid costume. The hem of the skirt laid right above his knees. There was a bow on the collar and ruffles on the sleeves and also a tiny apron to be tied around the waist. The costume hugged his slim & slender body really well.

Lastly, pulling on the thigh highs, he quickly got up and slipped on a pair of polished platforms. Finally, he took a look in the mirror  for any retouches then rushed out immediately to greet a few new customers.


It had been a while and a lot of the customers had already cleared out. It was a busy day for all of them. Yamaguchi had worked extra hard as he wanted to show Saeko-San that he was serious about himself.

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