Chapter 2 - You & me and a rainy evening

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9:03 p.m | At the Cafe
" Tadashi, are you sure you can close off & return home safely? " Saeko-San says, full of concern. " Yeah, don't worry. I'll be fine. " Tadashi replies bluntly as he slips on a black hoodie over his head while staring into nothingness. He looked dull, tired and in deep thought.
The woman crossed her arms in annoyance. It was a long day for him & she'd wish him to just take a rest.

" .... Are you sure? " She interrogated one more time to which the latter replied with a huge sigh of defeat. "I've already caused you a lot of trouble. Please, Just let me play my part. "

Saeko hesitated, but gave in. She let the boy do his thing. "Alright then. See you tomorrow Tadashi " She hugged him and bid him goodbye.
With a soft smile, he did the same.

Tadashi spent the next 30-45 minutes rearranging the place, putting things back and clearing up any messes. It had to be ready for the next day, just how it used to be. His mind wandered around, thinking of what happened in the morning. How embarrassing... How pathetic..
How he had let his pitiful little past, take over him. Stupid feelings.

After some errands here and there, it was time to close off & leave. He slid his bag of changed clothes over his shoulders and shut the glass door. The sound of drizzling rain filled up the silent atmosphere, and Tadashi felt calm at once.Just then, he felt a warm but alarming presence behind him.
None other than his childhood bestfriend, stood in front of him with a glare that could kill.

This already meant trouble.

His curly blonde hair dripped from the rain, and below, hazel eyes that never broke eye contact. His presence was intimidating and conflicting. It felt like desperate eyes were all over him.

Tsukishima had always towered over the freckled boy no matter how old they got so, it was even more humiliating to look up to face him.
The blonde boy cleared his throat and Tadashi felt cold shivers down his spine.

"Hey" .. He spoke. "I need you to listen to me."

The shorter boy gulped. His voice was smooth like honey, but it was also assertive.
Tadashi stayed silent, and throughout these few seconds of awkwardness, The taller boy just fiddled silently while the other contemplated a thousand scenarios that could possibly go wrong. Just preparing for the worst.

"What do you want" ..
He took his stand, but still avoiding eye contact with the tall blonde. Just then, the blonde leaned over and placed a slightly damp umbrella on the latter's hand, probably the one he was using.

" Take it " .. His smug expression never wore off. There was a long pause before an actual reply from the boy.

"I.. T-Thanks. "
"I'll uh .. get it back to you by tomorrow .. "


Just as he was about to walk away, Tsukishima stopped him.
"I didn't say i was done " ..
He tried to break free from his grasp, but Kei was not giving him any chances.

" Let me go. "

" No " ..

" Tsukki. I said, let me go! "

" No, stop struggling. " ..

" Don't touch me! I said, let go! " Tsukishima tightened his grip on the struggling boy's wrists and pinned him against the wall.

They both were panting heavily, face an inch away from eachother. Tadashi was taken aback by the blonde's sudden bold move. He felt his body heat up under the taller boy's own.

" Haa.. Finally, you looked at me in the eye " The blonde gently smiled & said, both mockingly and with a sense of achievement.

Their eyes met, and Tadashi softened at the sight of his childhood best friend. No matter how hard he tried to keep his feelings hidden, he still froze under his sight, melted at his touch, and flushed under his presence. They couldn't help the way their hearts beat for eachother. After all, the heart wants what it wants.

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