Chapter 6 - Giving the stud a chance

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Tuesday, 12:00pm | At Terushima's |

"Come in!" .. Yuuji opened the door, welcoming the freckled boy who looked quite drowsy & worn out. The truth is that the pair had been texting each other all morning. And Tadashi barely survived that morning lecture.
He'd already messed up enough after he stood up on Terushima on their first date. Now, he's got a chance to mend it all and surely there's no room for any more mistakes.

".. Cozy" He says, almost in a whisper as he walks in. Towards the living room, the scented candles that were lit, gave off a rustic woody fragrance, and he admired how everything kept was neat and mellow. Of course, there was a shelf dedicated to Terushima's trophies and medals; his prized possessions, along with some certificates & honors framed on the wall.

" You live here all by yourself? " .. The freckled boy raised a question.

" Yeah.." Terushima smiled, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "It's hard to feel at home when it's mostly just me here."

Tadashi chuckled, interlocking his hands behind his back. "You can make an empty house feel homely with the right efforts"

Terushima smiled. "I think it takes two to make a home" He says as he takes Tadashi's hand and leads him to the living room.

"You know, I don't think i can apologize enough for yesterday.." Yamaguchi sat down on the couch with Terushima seated beside him.

"This old friend of mine, h-he'd fallen ill and i found out just before the match. I was really left with no choice.." He trailed off softly. He sat very stiffly with his legs pressed close together and his hands rested on his lap.

.. "I see.. but i got to see you again, that's all that matters to me." Terushima smiled as he shifted a bit closer to the boy.
"Anyhow, let's not talk about that anymore. Let's talk about us." Tadashi smiled and nodded as his cheeks tinted a light pink colour. Terushima cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "So.. I suppose you're studying too besides working at a cafe" ..

"I'm studying electronic engineering in uni right now.. And besides the part time, i work from home as well..for a company" .. Yamaguchi said.

"You keep yourself busy huh?" Terushima replied as he leaned back on the sofa, positioning his body to face the freckled boy.

Tadashi continued describing uni life, this job of his, all his hobbies and all the things he liked to do during the weekends. The way his eyes would alight with passion & how they would sparkle with enthusiasm as soon as he spoke about something he was fond of.
Terushima listened intently, hanging on to every word, as he gazed at Yamaguchi's face.

His gaze fixated on Yamaguchi's face, tracing every detail, from the curve of his lips to the sparkle in his eyes. He wasn't even aware that he'd stopped listening to what Yamaguchi was saying.

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