chapter 4 - Disrupted Date

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Day of the date! ♡

Terushima appreciation <3

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Terushima appreciation <3


Monday, 6:05 a.m.

It was early in the morning, and Tadashi was getting ready for his date with Yuuji. Last night, he had spent hours preparing & planning. Maybe even spent 3-4 hours in the shower alone. Y'know, putting in that extra effort he was always known for.
I guess his job rubbed off on him.

He stood in front of the shower .. drowsy, while the water ran warm on his chest. The hot steam quickly filled up the bathroom.

Yamaguchi stared at a blank space while caressing his shoulders. He reminded himself that all his attention & desires should now go towards Yuuji & Yuuji only. Whether he liked it or not, he had been given a second chance at love. He musn't loose it.


Regarding the date, Tadashi had to skip today's class for it.

But he hoped to cover it up by attending the evening lecture. There was no way he could risk his grades to drop, growing another suspicion from his parents.


Day light had spread all over the streets of Tokyo & the pretty little boy, all spiffed up, was on his way towards the Sendai stadium.

When he finally arrived there, he took off his headphones and watched in awe as nostalgia struck him.
He hung his crossbody over his shoulders as he observed the different teams lined up outside.

He could almost feel their pressure. The huge crowd of people, the flashing stadium lights, the tall scary guys, constant yelling from the coaches & the anxiety building up in your stomachs.

It felt like highschool all over again.


Around the huge mob of players, he found one familiar face slounched on a wooden bench. He held a bouquet of daisies in his arms and seemed to be tapping his foot repeatedly, perhaps in an anxious state.

As soon as the latter noticed his date, he smiled & waved as he jogged towards the timid freckled boy. Tadashi, too, smiled and awkwardly waved back.

Terushima, who was now in a cheery mood, walked up and opened his arms for an embrace, followed by a slight squeeze around Tadashi's waist shortly after the hug.
It kind of startled the boy, but I guess this was a normal thing people did on dates.
He shouldn't be overreacting.

"I thought of you when i saw these down the street this morning. " .. He said and handed him the bunch of flowers. Tadashi thanked him with a soft smile. He felt his heart flutter a little.

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