Chapter 8 - Heart's Gamble

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6:35 a.m. | At Tsukishima's | Wednesday

It was a chilly early morning. Tsukishima was usually an early riser, but today, just couldn't beat the time to Tadashi.

The blonde opened the door to the guest room, as if he already knew nobody was there and shut it close behind him. He sat down on the neatly-made bed, grabbing the folded paper that was left on the sheets that read,


' Thank you for letting me stay. I'll come visit soon. '

'Love, Tadashi'


Tsukishima looked at the piece of paper & caressed it like it meant everything to him before he gently folded it.

The house was quiet and empty, which had already hinted him that Yamaguchi was gone.

The same calm and quiet place that Tsukishima ever so treasured for it's solitude, today, felt unbearably loud & suffocating without the presence of Tadashi.

As agitated & irritably his morning started out, there was a sweet feeling of bliss that what happened, happened.


| 9:45 am | Ueno park, Taito City, Tokyo |

In contrast to the previous days in Tokyo, it was a blissful sunlit morning. It gave the city folks something to cherish about after a long, hectic, dreadful week of straight wet,soggy & icky weather. They ought to make the most out of it, until the weather forecast decides otherwise.

A hearty mellow and wholesome conversation prolonged between two young men, seated on a cedar wooden bench, observing the sun's glare reflecting off of the waves & ripples of the lake.

" Morning lectures are the worst. " .. The freckled boy sighed as he wrote down the last final few key points on his textbook before closing it & setting it beside him.

Folding his arms behind his head, the wing spiker relaxed against the back rest of the park bench. "I admire your consistency with classes." .. "I couldn't be bothered at all, my attendance is crap" ..

"Uh oh, Should we be a little worried?" The green-haired boy chuckled as he turned to face the latter. He hid a tiny bit of concern in his words, However, was met with a slight shrug and a nod.

"Doesn't matter, I'll make it up with my sports scholarship" .. Terushima leans back, resting his elbows on the bench as he take a look over at the freckled boy's troubled demeanor.

"Stressing your pretty little head over it?" Terushima slid his left arm around the latter's waist as his fingers grasped his leaner figure. His fingers slightly brushed against the bare skin as he did so, making Tadashi shiver at the touch.

"No, i was just" Tadashi reasoned.

"Don't." .. "You don't have anything to worry about." Terushima smiled once before relaxing himself back on the bench. Tadashi nodded quietly.

They were walking by the lake, holding hands, looking up & around the auspicious weather once in a while as joggers and bicycles passed by them every once in a while. Up until now, the conversation never dried out. There was always some topic or the other that kept the mood going, always something that correlated with the previous discussion.

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