Chapter 7 - Unspoken Romance

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" Oh! " Yamaguchi hurried towards the balcony and looked outside the floor-to-ceiling windows in gloom. "It's raining.."

He plopped down on the couch, a bit low-spirited as he sighed. "It's gonna get really late if I stay and wait for the rain to stop.." The freckled boy frowned. He gazed at the drenched road across and the heavy showers of rain still pouring through.
He wrapped his arms around his knees as he pondered upon his decision to make.

"Just stay over".. The blonde said, crossing his legs.
Tadashi blinked, furrowing his eyebrows in response. "How.. How could I do that?" ..

"Because I own this place and I said so" Kei glared at the boy one more time. "So stay." He got up and walked away to the rooms.

Yamaguchi stumbled behind him. "Tsukki, leave it be.. It's really not necessary you know..  I'll just leave-"

"I'm not letting you go out in the rain, at this hour." Tsukishima replied sternly.

Yamaguchi furrowed his eyebrows, frowning at the blonde in front of him. "But-"

"No buts, you're staying over. It's not something you haven't done before." Tsukishima said, as he crossed his arms, looking through the apartment window.

The freckled boy stood by the door of Kei's room, feeling defeated. He let out a soft sigh, leaning his face against the door, fidgeting on the doorknob as his gaze lowered to the ground.

"It's not the same thing anymore.."


Kei was looking through his wardrobe, going through the clean, freshly pressed laundry.
"I'll put out some clothes for you to change into on the bed."
The taller male said as he rummaged through his t-shirts, relatively smaller than the ones he usually wears.

" You didn't need to.."
Tadashi walked past him and quietly sat on the bed at the far end. "And I'm still telling you, you don't have to do all this Tsukki.."

"I'm doing this because I want to" .. The blonde replied.

He kept his cold, expressionless tone. You could never tell what he's thinking, how he's feeling. It had been like way forever. Kei had been that way forever.

"Besides, we've shared clothes before .. as kids.." The blonde knelt down to get some things.


"Again, it's not the same anymore.. " Tadashi murmured as he stared into the distance.

Tsukishima shut the two doors of his wardrobe and turned his gaze to the freckled boy who was looking up at him. He slowly got up, hands in his pocket, walked towards the boy, maintaining that eye contact. He moved so close that at one point he was staring down at him.

" Tsukki ..?" Tadashi spoke. His lips were parted and glistened a rosy pink color.

"Get changed quick." He said as he turned his back and exited the room, leaving Tadashi clueless and unattended.


8:25 pm | Evening |

A little later, the tall blonde couldn't help but stir from his bed, the fever still lingering. He walked into the dimly lit kitchen, thinking Yamaguchi might need something. However, what he found in that quiet room left him utterly speechless.

His eyes immediately darted to his best friend—clad in the borrowed shirt & body slightly bent against the counter. It was so oversized that it slipped off one shoulder, exposing a hint of skin.

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