Chapter 5 - Sick Boy

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.. "Just right here!" Tadashi directed to the senior taxi driver as he peeked outside the window. The rain had started pouring down a while ago, so the sky already looked murky and clouded.

" Take care, young man! " The older man exlaimed. Tadashi shut the door gently and thanked him with a sincere smile.

He turned around and observed the chain of lush apartment buildings.
The rain started soaking up his hair and clothes, but the boy could care less about that right now. The cool breeze that flew past him made him shiver a little, so he wrapped his arms around himself and jogged towards the shed.

Yamaguchi had bought some herbal soup and chicken broth on his way here. Fevers were stingy but not incurable. He clutched the plastic bag in his left hand while his right hand worked to grab the keycard from his pocket.
While walking inside the premises, Tadashi caught a glimpse of Kei's mailbox. It was flooded with mails, all waiting to be collected.

He got into the elevator of the apartment building and pressed floor 7. Tadashi turned his phone around to check the time just when he caught a glimpse of Terushima's text message from about half an hour ago.


-> I'll look out for you at the court! Can't wait to see you freckles ❤️

He stared down at his phone, at the message in front of him. He gripped his phone tightly and turned it off. He bit his lip in frustration, then let out a deep breath.

He walked out of the elevator as the faint sound of his steps echoed through the quiet hallway. Shortly, he met the near end of the hallway, where lied Tsukishima's flat.

Tadashi braced himself and raised his quivering hands. With enough courage, he finally rang the doorbell.

He waited for a while. No answer.

He rang it again, but yet again, no answer.

He knocked on the door a few times in frustration. Then, he abruptly took the keys in his hands and was about to jam in it when, at once, the door opened swiftly, revealing the sight of the towering blonde.



Kei rammed open the door, eyebrows furrowed and expression, infuriated. He was fuming with anger.
His demeanor softened, and his expression transformed into one of surprise as he found Yamaguchi standing there. He felt a flush of embarrassment rush to his cheeks when he realized that he didn't have a shirt on. But that wasn't his concern at the moment.

Tadashi let out a small gasp as his eyes widened slightly and his cheeks flushed red at the sight of his best friend, with nothing but his boxers on.

His lean, athletic frame stood tall, And the freckled boy couldn't help but trail his eyes all over Tsukishima's toned body. His lips parted slightly as his mind went completely blank


Before the taller boy could react, Yamaguchi quickly pushed him inside, slamming the door behind them to ensure no one caught them in this compromising position. Tsukishima flinched at the sudden aggression but kept steady.

They were both panting softly as their bodies faintly pressed against each other.

There was an undeniable tension between them, a mixture of uneasiness and attraction that seemed to hang in the air. Both of them were acutely aware of the closeness, the heat radiating between their bodies..
Kei's lips hovered inches away from Yamaguchi's as their breaths mingled.

Tadashi glared at the taller boy, his gaze slowly shifting towards his best friend's bare body.

" I.. Is this how you greet your guests? "..

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