A Break Intermission for the Tomodachi Life Stories' Villains!

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Since in the villainous story of Dark Chrissy I spent like half of the story in a casual conversation at the local saloon, I decided to give those scenes a story of their own. But instead of being in a saloon, I decided to make them in the McCarthy's Irish Pub, because of Irish Characters like Becky Lynch or Ciarán Kirkland gracing these stories.

So, let's see how all of these villains manage to spend an intermission of the stories by just chatting about things. (Note: For this occasion, we decided to make everyone a grownup, for people like Chrissy, Kana, and the Yandere Simulator characters...)

Well, let's get started!

{Location: McCarthy's Irish Pub...} ("I'm Ready... Depression") [The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Videogame]

Aracely Saavedra: Wait, why are you here, Miss Policewoman? I don't think you deserve this place...

Officer Mariana: I ruined my whole image trying to get revenge on Harley Quinn because she ruined a treasured family portrait of mine...

Shadow Stephanie: That's harsh... I think we can find a few people who can relate to your goal.

Officer Mariana: I don't think those people can be related to a nickname like "Crazy Mary".

Lucía Dark Matter: Maybe not be related to "Crazy Mary", but I can be related to a nickname like "Blue Cheese".

Officer Mariana: I'm sure that the "Blue Cheese" thing didn't ruin your career. (She drinks her beer)

Aracely Saavedra: Look, I have been possessed 4 times, and I haven't had my career destroyed or gotten myself fired. (She drinks her lemonade)

Officer Mariana: You got possessed 4 times and still have a functional life?! Girl, how is it possible that you don't have dark influences living inside you?

Aracely Saavedra: I had. But both Darkely and Corruptely have been exorcised of me, and now they live their lives as independent entities.

Corrupt Aracely Saavedra: My name's not Corruptely! My name is Corrupt Aracely Saavedra! Who even came with the Corruptely thing anyways?!

Female Kana: I did! I made a good job, didn't I?

Corrupt Aracely Saavedra: You're lucky that I haven't thought of a mix between your name and Aracely's name...

Darker Lady Víctoria: What about "Kanely"?

Shadow Stephanie: Kanely?

Corrupt Aracely Saavedra: Kana... Aracely... Kanely... Hey, that works! Now you'll be known as Kanely!

Aracely Saavedra: Why are you going to call her Kanely?!

Female Kana: If that makes me officially part of my mother's family, then I want to be Kanely.

Officer Mariana: What do you mean by your mother's family?

Aracely Saavedra: You do realize that it sounds like Corrupt Aracely was like my daughter and a sister for you? I mean, if I named my kids with the word "Ely" at the end, you would be the younger sister of two people who disliked your blood family, Kana.

Corrupt Aracely Saavedra: Wait. When I hated Corrin, Byleth, and Kana... Do you mean I would have been a sister to this backstabber and a stepdaughter to Corrin?

Aracely Saavedra: Sort of.

Fallen Víctor Manuel Treviño González: Tough situation to be in, eh?

Corrupt Aracely Saavedra: Meh, now I can tolerate both.

Lego Villainess Lilly: Hey, Mary! Good thing I found you!

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