Mia x Reader

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As I sat on a bench, I watched people pass by, rotating the ring on my finger as I did so. My club isn't meeting today, so since I don't really have anything to do, I figured I'd just pass some time watching people. Seeing the daily lives that people live has always fascinated me and helps me gather my motivation.

However, as I sat there, I was approached by a girl with short black hair. With a smile, I said "Well if it isn't the student council president, I wonder what she could want with me. What's up Shioriko?"

Shioriko for the most part ignored my greeting and said "Y/n-senpai, I have something I'd like to talk to you about. It's about Mia."

"Huh? What about her?" I said. I first got to know Mia as my classmate, but I ended up really getting along with her. She's a friend I get along with pretty well, that's for sure.

"I'd like to confirm my suspicions: you have feelings for her, correct?" Shioriko asked

"That's right." I said, I'd like to think I'm at least pretty open about my affections for her.

"I thought so. If that's the case, if you ever end up telling her how you feel, be sure to take care of her. Alright?" Shioriko said

I nodded and said "That's the plan."

Shioriko then turned and left to take care of whatever she was ever doing beforehand. As she left, I leaned back and took a deep breath and resumed my people watching. The truth is as much as I definitely have feelings for Mia, I just haven't been able to tell her. Every time I try, I end up stopping myself. I want to be open about my feelings, to tell her how I feel, but our current relationship is comfortable and I don't want to risk damaging that. I want to get past this and tell her how I feel, but I want to take a bit more time before I try to take our relationship from friends to something more.



Mia's Perspective

Me and Lanzhu sat, talking while we had lunch, with Shioriko saying she'd come join us in a bit, when Lanzhu asked "Hey, you're close to Y/n, right? Do you know why he's always wearing that ring?"

I nodded "Yeah, he said it was a keepsake of a loved one. He said he's been wearing it since he got it back in his second year."

"I see. You sure are close to him." Lanzhu said

"I guess so. Me and him are in the same class and we'll talk a little during breaks, and we both play the same games so we play together when we're both on." I said

We kept talking for bit longer when Lanzhu's eyes began to shine, as something probably just popped into her head

"Mia, are you maybe in love with Y/n?" Lanzhu asked

As she asked that, I felt a warmth rise to my cheeks. I have developed feelings for him, spending time with Y/n is great, and I love how he makes me laugh, but I don't know if I'm quite ready to say how I feel about him to anyone.

As I tried to figure out how to answer what Lanzhu asked, Shioriko reached us and as she sat down at the table, asked "I'm here, did I miss anything?"

"No, nothing." I said, to brush the topic to the side. Maybe not yet, but I do want to tell Y/n how I feel, eventually.


Y/n's Perspective

After class that day, as I walked down through the halls to get a drink, I saw that outside was Mia and the Nijigasaki Idol Club. Mia seemed to be working hard alongside them and I couldn't help but think of how cute I thought she was.

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