Honoka x Reader

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As I walked back home from school, I yawned to myself and said "I should probably get a job." I only get a small amount of allowance from my parents and Christmas is coming closer than I would like. Well I'd like to, but it's a pain to search so I think I'll just pass on the idea for now.

As I was walking, I saw some guy hitting on this girl auburn hair and she obviously was uncomfortable. I know it's not my business but I can't just ignore this so I walked up to the two people and tapped the man on the shoulder.

He turned around and said "What do you want?"

I said "Hey man, you should probably leave this girl alone. She seems pretty uncomfortable."

The man seemed glared at me and said "Why don't you stay out of my business?"

Talking to this guy doesn't seem like it'll work so I'm gonna have to go with plan b. I jabbed him in the throat and while he was reeling I grabbed the girl's wrist and started running.

When we got decently far away, I let go of her wrist and while panting said "Sorry I grabbed you like that. I don't think I could talk him out of it but I also would definitely lose a fight so I kind of just had to go with that."

She looked at me curiously for a second before gaining a more bubbly expression and said "It's no problem, thanks so much for helping me. I'm Honoka Kosaka, what's your name?"

I was slightly thrown off by how quickly her mood seemed to change and said "I um, I'm y/n l/n. It's nice to meet you I guess."

She began to smile and said "Hey y/n, follow me. I want to thank you."

"It's fine you don't have too." I said

"Well I want to. Just follow me."

We walked together until we got to a japanese sweets shop called Homura. "I'm home." Kosaka said to the woman at the counter. Who's probably Kosaka's mom.

"Who's this?" Kosaka's mom asked.

"This is y/n" Honoka explained and as she said my name, I bowed slightly "He helped me out and I wanted to show my gratitude by bringing him over."

"I see. Well then y/n, would you like a sweet bun?" She said as she grabbed a sweet bun and offered it to me.

I took it and proceeded to take a bite. "This is really good." I said

"I'm glad you think so," Kosaka's mom said.

As I ate it I looked around and saw that near the entrance was a sign saying that they were hiring. "Hey, if you're hiring, I'd like to apply. I don't know much but I think it's about time for me to find a job and this place seems pretty great."

Kosaka heard this and said "That'd be great! We could talk more if you worked here."

Kosaka's mom smiled and said "You seem like a trustworthy person so you're welcome to work here.

I'm glad I got a job. I wasn't gonna go searching for a job but if I can find one easily enough then I'll apply. Plus, talking to Kosaka seems like it could be pretty fun.


It's been two months since I first started working at Homura. I mostly help out with customers but Mrs. Kosaka said that maybe she should teach me how to help in the kitchen a bit. But more importantly than that, I've become friends with Honoka and I think I've even fallen in love with her. She is so bubbly and optimistic that when I'm having a hard time with something, she is able to make me feel better with no issues. Today she's spending time with her friends in Muse and should be back a little after the end of my shift. I plan to confess to her today.

When my shift was over, I exited Homura and stood out of the way, waiting for Honoka to get here. Honoka got here about five minutes later and came and hugged me and said "Hey y/n! I thought I wouldn't get to see you today."

"Well I thought that even if we couldn't talk much today, I should at least stick around a bit"

"Y/n, how was your day?"

"It was really good, I have big plans for later today."

"Really? What are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to finally confess to the girl I love."

For a split second, Honoka stopped smiling before saying "Well good luck."

I smiled and said "Yeah I was about to do it. I love you Honoka. Will you go out with me?"

Honoka practically threw herself at me as she began to hug me and gave me a kiss and said "I love you too y/n"

I held her close to me for a few perfect minutes when I saw Mrs. Kosaka looking at us and giggling. She realized I noticed her and said "I've been wondering when you two would confess to each other for a while."


A/n: I'll be honest, when I first got into Love Live I was kind of indifferent about Honoka but I have to say that she's grown on me a ton and I like her quite a bit. As you can probably tell, over these last for oneshots I've been trying to form a pattern of Muse>Aquors>Nijigasaki>Muse and so on. I've already have a plan for the next oneshot so I'll just say now that it's about Hanamaru.

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