Kasumi x Reader

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It was a sunny day and I was alone enjoying how peaceful and quiet where I was relaxing during lunch when I saw a girl with short, brown hair heading this way with a small brown bag in her hand, a girl I'm pretty familiar with.

"Hey Nakasu, I take it you're doing well?" I said, greeting her with a small smile.

"Come on y/n-senpai, I said that you can just call me Kasumi." She said while pouting. I helped her out a couple of times when she first came to the school and she's been pretty kind to me since. She's really confident and hardworking that her presence always picks me up.

"Oh yeah that's right. Sorry, I just have trouble getting used to calling you that."

"It's okay y/n-senpai. I noticed that you don't really eat much during lunch so I thought I'd bring you this." Kasumi smiled and said as she handed me the brown bag. I opened the bag and saw a couple of bread rolls.

"These look really good. Thanks Kasumi." I said

Kasumi giggled then said "Thank you y/n-senpai I made for you."

"I see. That's really cool, I didn't know you knew how to bake" I responded before taking a bite. Kasumi sat by me as I ate them and when I finished, it was roughly time to be heading back to class "That was really good. The bread was so soft and the crust was fantastic."

"I'm glad you liked it, I made it with my love for you!"

I blushed slightly and out of my lips escaped "Huh?"
Kasumi then said "Y/n-senpai, will you please go out on a date with me this weekend?"

I was slightly taken aback by her suddenly asking me out but I smiled and said "Sure, why not?"

Kasumi jumped at me and began to hug me then said "Okay! Meet near the park at 1:00pm on Sunday"



That Sunday...

I'm grabbing a drink from the vending machine as I wait for Kasumi. Since I've never been on a date before I thought I'd get here early so that I don't have to worry about her having to wait for me. Soon after I saw Kasumi arrive.

I walked up to her and said "Hey Kasumi, you look really cute."

Kasumi smiled and said "I'm glad that I managed to improve on my natural cuteness for you."

"So where are we going?" I asked

She grabbed my arm and giggled before saying "Well a new mall opened up recently and I thought that we could check it out together"

"Sounds good. Let's go."


We headed to the mall and once we got there we headed around and started checking out shops. We eventually ran into a clothing store and I ended up grabbing some stuff for me while Kasumi grabbed some stuff for her. After Kasumi picked some stuff out, she headed to the changing room and changed into it.

"What do you think? Am I even cuter?" Kasumi asked.

I gave her a smile and said with complete honesty "Kasumi, you already look adorable but now you're even more cute."

Kasumi began to blush and mumbled "You always says that kind of thing and don't consider it anything"
"Huh?" I asked

"Nothing." Kasumi responded.

She bought her stuff and I bought mine and I took our bags as we continued looking around. In the window of one of the shops I saw a hairpin that I think would look good on Kasumi. After we passed the shop distance so Kasumi wouldn't see me go in I asked "Hey Kasumi, could you give me a minute?"

"Eh? Sure." Kasumi responded

"Okay, I'll be back in a second." I said before walking back into the store and asking a worker where they had more of that hairpin because I wanted to buy one. They pointed me where it would be and I quickly grabbed one and bought it. I then stuck it in my pocket and met back up with Kasumi.

"What did you need to do" She asked

"I'll tell you later," I responded. She pouted for a second but brushed it off.

We ended up heading to the food court and we talked a little bit while we ate. Looking at this girl across the table from me, all I can say is that she's the most adorable, hardworking, and sweet girl I've ever seen. I've had a slight idea about this for a while now but this confirms it. I'm in love with her.


After we ate we spent a bit more time together before calling it a day. I walked her back to her home and as we stood in front of the entrance to her home I pulled out that hairpin I bought earlier and said "Hey Kasumi, this is what I left for a second for. I thought it might look good on you so I bought it."

Kasumi hugged and said "Thanks. By the way, when I mentioned that I made that bread with my love for you I meant more than just love like friends would have for each other."

"Wait, so you really meant..."

"Yeah. I love you y/n. Will you please be my boyfriend?" Kasumi said while blushing.

"Kasumi, I love you too. I fell in love with the most adorable and hard working girl I know." I then pulled her closer and gave her a kiss. "I'd love to be your boyfriend."


During lunch the next school day as always, I was relaxing alone and enjoying the peace and quiet. Well actually I wasn't alone this time because Kasumi decided to spend lunch with me today. Me and her talked some but honestly I just was glad to have her company and hopefully I'll have it for a long time.

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