Eli x Reader

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"Of course, another rainy day" I muttered to myself as I looked out the window at a world dimmed by dark clouds covering the sky. I don't hate the rain, in fact it can be kind of nice, but with it having been raining like this for the past couple days, only breaking up for a couple hours at a time, I was starting to get sick of it.

"What did you expect Y/n? We are in the rainy season after all." a girl's voice to my right said. I turned to see who it was and saw that it was Nozomi, smiling at me in a rather cheeky way.

"I know, but still, would it be so bad to have at least one sunny day? We're getting to the end of it anyways" I shrugged "So anyways, what's up?"

"Y/n, I was wondering if you could help Eli with student council work today. I would help like usual, but there's something I need to do after classes today." Nozomi said

"I guess I can, but why me?" I said "I mean sure, I'm a class rep, but it's not like I'm particularly serious about it." At least I'll say it like that, but I'm not gonna pass up an afternoon with Eli.

"Let's just say the cards are telling me you're the best man for the job." Nozomi said

"There you go with all the tarot stuff... Yeah alright, I'll be there." I said, wondering what Nozomi's real reason is. I mean in all the time I've spent with Nozomi and Eli, I still can't tell if Nozomi can actually read the future with those tarot cards of hers or if she just uses them to cover up for any plans she comes up with for whatever situation. Maybe it's both...

"Great! Thanks Y/n." Nozomi said

I absentmindedly nodded to her as she left to get to her classroom before classes actually started for the day.


One Week Ago...

Eli's Perspective

As I walked partway home with Nozomi, as what we had been talking about came to an end, Nozomi gave me a smile that makes me just know she's up to something.

"Nozomi, is something up?" I asked

"Eli, when were you going to tell me you had feelings for Y/n?"

I could feel myself starting to blush as it dawned on me what she said "Huh? How do you know?"

"When you were talking with him after class, I saw how you were looking at him and how happy you were to be talking with just the two of you." Nozomi said

For a split second I wanted to deny that, that it was just because the three of us have been friends since our second year, and I was just glad to be able to talk to him since me and Nozomi have been busy since joining Muse, but I realize that Nozomi is somebody I can talk to about this.

I let out a sigh and said "I've only realized I was in love with him a month ago, but I just haven't figured out how I wanted to tell him yet. Besides, even if I did, I've been busy with student council stuff, practicing with Muse, and managing the club's schedule, so I just haven't really had an opportunity to tell him."

Nozomi smiled and said "If those are the only reasons you haven't told him, I can set up an opportunity for that.


Y/n's Perspective

After club activities came to an end, I stretched out and after a while headed out to the student council room, where I was supposed to help Eli today. As I arrived, I saw Eli sitting alone and working.

"Hey Eli, where's everybody else?" I asked

"It's just the two of us today. I hope you don't mind." Eli said

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