Chapter 11 - Airport sleepiness

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Australia is… hot. Like, super hot. And I’m not happy about it. To be honest I’ve been trying to find an excuse to take the next plane home but I can’t. I can’t come up with a reason to not be there and maybe I should see that as a reason to actually stay. To stay and enjoy this little trip with three of my favorite friends. Maybe, it could actually be quite fun. 

We are standing outside the airport. It’s three in the morning and it’s pitch black outside. And, we don’t have anywhere to go. We’re pretty much homeless right now and both Sam and Josh are talking about how fun it’d be to actually spend a night on the street. 

”No, stop it guys. It’s still not too late to find a hotel.” Jena says letting out a big yawn ”Jen won an oscar, she could get us in anywhere.” 

”That’s not true.” I say but of course no one agrees with me.

Josh shines up ”That’s very, very true. Let’s move people!” him and Sam directly picks up their bags from the ground, getting ready to walk somewhere but Jena stops them.

”Wait,” she says ”, we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere so I suggest we stay on the airports hotel.” 

Both Josh and Sam stop to stare at her ”There’s a hotel on the airport?”

She raise her eyebrows ”There’s a hotel at like every airport in the world.” 

”Are you serious? You could have told us earlier.” Sam sighs ”Let’s go then.” 

Jena picks up her bags and starts walking towards the entré of the airport ”I just assumed that everyone knew that. Especially you guys who travel like all the time.” 

I pick my bags up as well to follow them inside. My mood is really starting to turn into bad, I’m really hungry and I’m so tired that I could fall asleep standing up and the fact that all of us are feeling like this right now is only making me feel worse because right now everyone gets annoyed at everyone and everything. 


 ”I’m sorry but there are no rooms free.”

We are standing in the reception of the hotel. It took us about twenty minutes to get here because Sam took us in the wrong direction and apparently they gave away the last room ten minutes ago. Ten minutes. 

”We can pay double.” I suggest leaning my head to the side.

And,” Josh adds ”, I can tweet about how much I love this hotel. What do you say? Free promotion ? I’m close to three million followers.” 

The man behind the desk smiles ”We’d certainly love that but free promotion and a double pay wouldn’t make a room magically plop up. I’m really sorry but I get give you a room until after breakfast tomorrow.” 

”Forget it.” Jena slams her hand on the desk ”Let’s go guys. 


 Ten minutes later Sam is the first one to fall asleep on the airport floor. With his backpack under his head and with a sweater as a blanket it actually looks a bit comfortable but I somehow can’t manage to even close my eyes for three seconds. The floor is too hard and my backpack only consists of hard things like a book and a water bottle. How am I supposed to ever get some sleep? I stand up and pick up my things to walk over to a bench on the other side of the corridor. 

”Where are you going?” Josh asks as I sit down on it.

”The floor is killing me.” I open up my suitcase to pick up a few sweaters to make a pillow out of and then I lay down on the hard surface made of tree. It’s not comfortable but it’s a lot better than the floor which finally causes me to fall asleep only a few minutes later. 


 ”Jen, wake up.” I open my eyes only to see Sam’s face a few inches away from mine. He’s smiling wide his hair looks like it haven't been brushed in a week ”It’s eleven. Time to move.” 

Confused I sit up, rubbing my eyes a bit ”Eleven? When did you guys wake up?” 

”An hour or so.” he says ”And we’re really hungry so we thought that we probably should find something to eat before taking off.” 

I nod ”Yeah, okay, great idea.” 

I put down all of my stuff in my bags again and then we take off to the right where we almost directly find a cute café with almost no customers. We decide to go with this place since none of us are in the mood to find something else and also I just feel like I could eat whatever right now. That’s how hungry I am which is also why I decide to buy both a bagel and some pancakes. 

”So Jen, what are you up for today?” Sam asks me as soon as we sit down by a table. 

I swallow a piece of pancake ”I’m actually up for some adventure.” 

”Really?” he looks surprised ”That’s great! Any suggestions?” 

”Hm,” I bite my lip trying to figure out something fun and adventurous to do ”, I feel like climbing a mountain.” 

I meet Josh’s eyes who light up ”Oh my god, let’s climb a mountain. Jena?” 

”I’m up for it!” she smiles, taking a sip of her coffee ”Sam?” 

 ”Let’s do it.” 

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