I've Been Thinking...

2.5K 50 17

So here's what's up

How would y'all feel about me rewriting this? Like, more and possibly longer chapters, switching between Rose's and Bella's POV? And at least that way, I won't have to write Rose's own story since they would be borderline the same anyways.

And to those who are following me, I know you've been waiting for a new story/updates but think of this as the best of both, yeah?

Regardless, I am probably going to rewrite and take this one down when I have a few new chapters up. Which will suck since this has over 100k reads, and I greatly appreciate each and every one of them.

But let me know what you think of my idea, maybe even give me some ideas on what to add? Any offer helps

Have a great day, love you

Bye ✌🏾

Remastered version out now!!

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