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While I tried to concentrate on the third act of Macbeth, I was listening for my truck. I would have thought I'd hear the engine's roar even over the pounding rain. But when I went to look out the window again, it was suddenly there.

I wasn't super excited to get up on Friday, and it more than lived up to my negative expectations. Of course, there were all the fainting comments. Lauren especially seemed to get a kick out of that story. Mike and Jessica had kept their mouth shut, and no one seemed to know about Rosalie's involvement. Jessica did have a lot of questions about yesterday's lunch, though.

"So, what did Rosalie want?" She asked in Trig. Her voice held a hint of jealously.

"Honestly, I'm not to sure." It was the truth. "She never really got to the point."

"She looked kind of mad."

I shrugged. "Did she?"

"I've never seen her sit with anyone other than her family before," Jessica commented. "It was strange."

I only hummed. She seemed pleased with my lack of answer.

The worst part about Friday was that, even though I knew Rosalie or Rose wasn't going to be there, couldn't help but hoped. When I walked into the cafeteria with Mike and Jessica, I quickly looked at her table, where Edward, Jasper and Emmett sat, talking with their heads close together. I wondered if Alice had been the on to drive my truck home last night, and what she thought about the chore.

At my normal table, everyone was full of our plans for the next day. Mike was animated again, putting a lot more trust in the local weatherman than I thought he deserved. I'd have to see his promised sun before I believed it. At least it was warmer today--almost sixty, though it was still wet. Maybe the trip could be fun.

I caught a few unfriendly glances from Lauren during lunch, which I returned with a harsh glare. I don't know what I did to her, but I don't like her.

I was right behind her,  just a foot from her slick, silver, blonde hair, and she was evidently unaware of that.

"...don't know why Bella"-- she sneered my name--"doesn't just sit with the other freaks from now on," I heard her muttering to Mike. I'd never noticed what an unpleasant, nasal voice she had, and I was surprised by the malice in it.

"She's my friend, she sits with us," Mike growled back, loyally and protectively. Even though I did appreciate him standing up for me, I paused to let Angela and Jess walk pass me. I didn't want to hear anymore.


Later, at dinner, Charlie seemed excited about my trip to La Push in the morning. I'm sure he just wanted me to get out the house during the weekend and I couldn't agree more.

Of course he knew the names of all the kids going, and their parents and their great-grandparents, too, probably. He obviously approved. I wondered if he would approve of my plan to ride to Seattle with Rose. Charlie seemed to like the Cullens. I'll tell him about it later.

"Dad, do you know a place called Goat Rocks or something like that? I think it's like south of Mount Rainier."

"Yeah why?"

I shrugged. "Some kids were talking about camping there."

"It's not a very good place for camping." He sounded surprised. "Too many bears. Most people go there during hunting season."

"Maybe I got it wrong."

I meant to sleep in, but the light woke me. Instead of the same gloomy half-light I'd gotten up to for the past two months, there was a bright, clear yellow streaming through my window. I couldn't believe it, but there it was--finally--the sun. It was in the wrong place, too low and not as close as it should be, but it was defiantly the sun. Clouds still ringed the horizon, but a wide blue patch took up most of the sky. I threw on my clothes quickly, afraid the blue would disappear as soon as I turned my back.

The Newton's Olympic Outfitters store was just north of town. I'd seen the store, but I'd never stop there--not having much need for any supplies required for being outdoors for over any period of time.  In the parking lot I recognized Mike's Suburban and Tyler's Sentra. As I pulled up next to their vehicles, I could see the group standing around in front of the Suburban. Eric was there, along with two other boys I had class with; I was fairly sure their names were Ben and Connor. Jess was their talking with Angela. Sadly Lauren was there too, flanked with three other girls, one of them I remembered falling over in Gym in Friday. That one gave me a dirty look as I got out of the truck, and whispered something to Lauren.

So it was going to be one of those days.

At least Mike was happy to see me.

"You came!" he called, sounding thrilled. "And I promised it would be sunny, didn't I?"

"I told you I was coming."

"We're just waiting for Leann and Sean...unless you invited someone," he asked.

"Just me," I lied, hoping I wouldn't get caught. But then again, it would be worth getting caught out if it meant I could spend the day with Rose.

Mike smiled. "Wanna ride with me? It's either that or Leann's mom's minivan."

"I'll go with you."

His smiled was huge. It was too easy to make him happy.


So your girl came down with the sniffles, explaining the stop of updates recently. Speaking of updates, do y'all know how many updates I did in February?

Your fave could never cause your second fave just did.

Anyways, Black History Month may have came to and end but loving and respecting us will not. So don't be a dick and we'll be alright. Cool?



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