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stood in the hallway for a minute, listening to the sound of their car as it backed out and drove away. I stayed where I was, waiting for the irritation to subside. When the tension eventually faded a bit, I headed upstairs to change out of my clothes.

I tried on a couple different tops, not sure what to expect tonight. I gave up quickly, deciding on a grey t-shirt and jeans-- topping it off with Rosalie's jacket that I never gave back.

My phone ringing broke me out of my thoughts. It was Jessica.

"Hey Jess," I said to her. "How was the dance?"

"Bella, it was so much fun," she gushed. "I wish you were there." Jessica then launched into a minute-by-minute account of the pervious night. Every so often, I added in my small comments. One part of the story really surprised me.

"Mike kissed me! Can you believe it?"

I smiled at the news. Didn't think Mike would ever take that leap. "That's amazing Jess, I'm happy for you."

I heard her sigh quietly. "Yeah. Anyways, what did you and Rosalie do yesterday?"

"We just hung out over at her place," I lied. "Met her guardians and everything."

"Sounds fun," she muttered just as I heard Charlie's car in the garage.

"Hey Jess, my dad just came home," I explained. "I'll have to talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright Bella, I'll see you tomorrow!"

After hanging up, I walked downstairs to see Charlie in the kitchen, scrubbing his hands in the sink. He smiled at me when I walked in.

"Where's the fish?" I asked him.

"I put it out in the freezer."

"I'll go grab a few pieces before they freeze-- Billy dropped off some of Harry Clearwater's fish fry this afternoon," I told him.

"He did?" His eyes lit up. "That's my favorite."

Charlie cleaned up while I got dinner ready. It didn't take long till we were sitting at the table, eating in silence.

"Rosalie wants to meet you," I said, taking him away from his food. "We're going out with her family later and she's coming to pick me up soon."

Charlie looked surprised. "Really? Well...okay. What will you be doing?"

"We're going to play baseball with them."

He chuckled. "You playing baseball? Wish I would be there to see that."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, you're funny. I'll be watching most of the time."

"Then you must really like her," he observed. I blushed and smiled at his comment.

I heard the roar of an engine pull up in front of the house. I started to collect our dishes but Charlie stopped me.

"Leave the dishes, I can do them tonight."

The doorbell rang, and Charlie stalked off to answer it. I was half a step behind him.

I hadn't realized how hard it was pouring outside. Rosalie stood in the halo of the porch light, looking like an angel.

"Rosalie, come in." Thankfully, Charlie got her name right.

To my surprise, Rosalie gave him a polite smile. "Thank you, Chief."

"Go ahead and call me Charlie. So, I hear you're getting my girl to watch baseball." Only in Washington would the fact that it was raining buckets have no bearing at all on the playing of outdoor sports.

"That's the plan, sir."

Charlie shook his head, chuckling at the confirmed news. "Just don't let her play."

"Trust me, I wasn't going to." Rosalie laughed softly at the glare I gave her.

"Alright, that's enough laughing at my poor balance," I announced, grabbing Rosalie's hand.

"Not too late, Bell."

"Don't worry, Charlie, I'll have her home early," Rosalie promised.

I stalked out, but stopped dead on my porch. There, right behind my truck, was a monster Jeep. Its tires were higher than my waist. There were metal guards over the headlights and taillights, and four large spotlights attached to the crash bar. The hardtop was shiny red.

Charlie let out a low whistle. "Wear your seatbelts."

Rosalie followed me around my side and open the door for me. She placed her hands on my waist and helped me up. She leaned to whisper in my ear. "It seemed like you would need help, shortie."

"Shut up," I told her, watching as she walked to her side.

After helping me with the multiple seatbelts, Rosalie stared the Jeep and pulled away from the house.

"Big Jeep you have here."

"It's Emmett's actually. I'm sure you didn't want to run the whole way there."

"We're running?"

"Only for a little while," she explained.

I don't know how she found her way in the gloom and downpour, but she somehow found a side road that was less of a road and more of a mountain path. Soon, we can to the end of the road; the trees formed green walls on three sides of the Jeep. The rain was a mere drizzle, slowing every second, the sky brighter through the clouds.

"We have to go on foot from here." She was out of the car before I could respond. My belts were gone and I was outside the car before I could blink.

Rosalie pressed me up against the door of the Jeep, her lips brushing up against my jaw. "It may seem really lame," she whispered, only pausing to stop her kisses, "but I really love seeing you in my clothes."

"Heavily noted," I muttered, finally kissing her lips.

She surprised me by lifting me up in her arms, carefully pushing me against the door. My own hands tangled themselves in her blonde locks, tightening my legs around her waist. She moved one of her hands to cup my face, but soon pulled away and put our foreheads together.

"Damn it," she whispered, gasping for breath she didn't need. "You're going to be the death of me, I swear."


Time for another show rec, guys.

This one is called Euphoria, staring Zendaya and Hunter Schafer. Now I haven't seen the last two episodes but I still highly recommend it. It's a good ass show.

Anyways, what are y'all watching now a days? I need more shows to watch.


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