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The month that followed the accident was uneasy, tense, and, at first, embarrassing.

I found myself the center of attention for the rest of the week, which sucked. Tyler was impossible, following me around, obsessed with making amends to me somehow. No matter how hard I tried to convince him to forget about it, he remained insistent. Jessica on the other hand, doted on me like her life depended on it. Her attention that was usually divided between Mike and I, all came to me.

People still avoided Rosalie like the plague, not caring one ounce for her safety. Her family still sat at the same table they always sat at, not eating, talking only to each other. None of them looked my way anymore.

Rosalie put as much distance as she could at the table, not caring if I sat next to her or not. Her usual resting face seemed more upset. She didn't look tense or anything...just refused to look my way at all.

While I would like to continue our conversation from the hospital, I didn't bring it up again. She seemed frustrated when we did talk about it, and her comment about her wanting to tell me eased my own frustration a bit. If Rosalie really wanted to tell me, she will on her own time. But other than a small hello I gave her a day after the accident, I didn't try to talk to her anymore.

Jessica, at least, was pleased by the obvious coolness between me and my lab partner. I guess she was upset that the accident would've brought us closer together. She got more confident, walking me to class soon turned to her sitting at the table before the bell rang. She didn't care for the blonde sitting at the table.

One day, Jessica's confidence surprised me. Rosalie was fixing her hair in a small handheld mirror not really caring for what we were saying.

"So the Spring Dance is coming up," Jess hinted. "Did anyone ask you yet?"

"No why?"

Jess took a deep breath but spoke at a quieter volume. "Would you like to go with me? To the dance?"

I heard a soft rumbling noise, coming from the blonde next to me. "Wow uh...I already have plans for next Saturday. I'm sorry." Now I wasn't lying to her. I did want to go up to Seattle for the day. "You should ask Mike--he would definitely want to go." Jessica nodded softly, walking away from the table.

Rosalie was staring straight at me, like she was trying to figure something out. We held eye contact for minutes until Mr. Banner called the class to order. I tried hard not to be aware of her for the rest of class. I done it for six weeks, I could last another hour. And when the bell finally rang, I expected her to run out.


"Yes?" I asked, not looking up at her.

Rosalie cleared her throat. "I just want to say I'm sorry...for not talking to you and just being downright rude."

"Then I guess, I'm sorry too." Rosalie quirked her head at me, looking slightly confused. "For pushing to tell me at the hospital. And I want to thank you again for saving me."

"Of course. That's one thing I don't regret." She got up from her chair, and gave me a soft smile. "Bye, Bella."


I looked up at Charlie who was almost finished with his dinner and told him about my plans. "Dad. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to Seattle next Saturday. Just for the day. If that's fine?"


"The library here is pretty limited," I explained. "And maybe some warmer clothes." Thanks to him, I had a little extra money.

"Seattle is a big city--you could get lost," he warned.

"Phoenix is five times the size of Seattle--and I'll have my phone on me."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"That's okay. It's not going to be that exciting."

The next morning at school, I picked a random parking spot. As I slammed the truck door shut, I lost my hold on the key and it splashed down in a puddle at my feet. As I bent down to grab it, a pale hand got to it first.

"Good morning," Rosalie said, handing me the key.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" She dropped the key in my palm, leaning against the truck.

"Appear out of thin air?"

Rosalie chuckled softly. "Well one, you parked two spaces away from Edward's car. And I was waiting for you. You're just really unobservant."

"What is it?"

She ran her fingers through her hair, a nervous gesture. "I was wondering if you'd like some company for your trip to Seattle."

"That someone being you?"

"Obviously," she stated.


"The rest of my family had plans already, and I need to go anyways. Plus, I don't think your rust bucket will make it on one tank of gas."

"Don't make fun of the truck," I warned. "But fine. You can join me."

A bright smile covered her beautiful face. "Great. I'll see you at lunch." She started to walk off, but I stopped her.

"Don't you mean class?"



Anyways, Rosie has a hard core RBF and I can't be mad at that.

So here's the tea with this story. I just might hurry up and continue on this story only since it's going to be easier to update than the rest. So get ready for updates continuously for a while.

Fun fact #10; Booker T Washington:  An educator and civil right activist founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Alabama, also known as Tuskegee University in 1881.


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