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It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that was sure last night was a dream. Logic wasn't on my side, nor was common sense. I clung to the parts I couldn't have imagined-- like her smell. I was sure I could never have dreamed that up on my own.

It was foggy and dark outside my window, absolutely perfect. She had no reason not to be in school today. I dressed in heavy clothes until I saw the grey jacket hanging over my chair in the corner of my room. I slipped that on too before heading downstairs.

Charlie was gone again--I was running later than I'd realized. I swallowed a granola bar in three bites, chased it down with milk straight from the carton, and then hurried out the door. Hopefully the rain would hold off until I could entered the building.

It was unusually foggy; the air was almost smoky with it. The mist was ice cold, where it clung to the exposed skin on my face and neck. I was a few feet down from the driveway before I saw the car; a cherry red car.

"Do you wanna ride with me today?" she asked, leaning against the hood of her car.

"Yes, thank you," I said, stepping into the warm car. The door closed behind me, and, sooner than I thought possible, she was sitting next to me, starting the car.

"Good you're wearing my jacket," she said, her voice light. "It's a little cold this morning. I notice that she wasn't wearing one. Just a thing sweatshirt, and her blonde hair pulled up in a pony tail. 

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," I told her.

She smiled softly. "Of course not."

We drove through the fog-shrouded streets, her not going fast as she was last night. Last night...all the walls were down. I waited for her to speak.

Rosalie took her eyes off the road to smirk at me."No twenty questions today?"  

"Do my questions bother you?" I asked, relieved.

"No," she hesitated, "it's nice for me to be honest with you. Finally."

I smiled at her comment before a concern came to me. "Where's your family?"

"They took Edward's car." She shrugged as she parked next to a silver Volvo with tinted windows. "Not as flashy as mine, but for us that's a good thing."

"How is that?" I wasn't late anymore thanks to her fast driving, she got me to the school in plenty of time.

When we got out the car, she took her hand in mine. "It's not safe for us to be around people, let alone be with one." We got a few stares when we walked to the building. "But I don't care."

Under the shelter of the cafeteria roof's overhang, Jessica was waiting, her eyes looking at our conjoined hands before the moved up to me. Over her arm was my jacket.

"Hey, Jess," I said when we were a few feet away. She handed me my jacket without speaking and walked away.

I stared at her retreating form. "Okay." I turned back to Rosalie only to find her looking away. I followed her line of sight and saw Edward and his boyfriend Emmett.

"She jealous obviously," she told me, finally looking at me. "Of the both of us, though. Apparently, she wants to know if we're dating."

Taking another glance of the boys, who were both gone, I looked at her again. "What should I tell her?"

She paused to place a lock of hair behind my ear, putting her lips on my forehead. "What are you going to tell her?" She shot back.

Rosalie looked at me nervously, though she was trying to hide it. "I'll tell her we are."

Nodding her head, Rosalie smiled brightly before trying to hide it. "Good. Good. I'll uh...see you at lunch, okay?" She turned and walked away.

She's too cute. I hurried to class, thinking about what I would say to Jessica when I saw her. I sat in my usual seat.

"Morning," Mike said cheerfully from the seat next to me. "How was Port Angeles?"

"It was great," I told him. "Jessica got a really cute dress."

"Really?" He asked, his eyes bright. "D-Did she say anything about Monday night?"

I reassured him. "Don't worry, she said she had a good time."

Mike sighed. "Good."

Mr. Mason called the class to order then, asking us to turn in our papers. English and then Government passed in a blur, while I though about Jessica's attitude from this morning. I hoped that it cleared up throughout the hours.

But unlike the fog, her attitude didn't clear up. It was better but could be better. Her arms were crossed and she was pouting at her desk.

When I sat down next to her, she quickly asked, "Are you dating?"

"Yes," I told her, watching as she sighed in disappointed.

"So...my chance with you right now are...?"

"Not happening, Jess."

She nodded, understanding. "Alright. Do you like her?"

I blushed, ducking my head. "Yeah I do. A lot...possibly more than she does me."

"I find that doubtful," she said.

We spent the rest of the walk dissecting sentence structures and most of Spanish focusing on our tasks. She did ask about Mike during Spanish so we did talk about him for the most part of that hour. We didn't talk about Rosalie and I anymore.

And then the bell rang for lunch. As I got out of my seat and stuffed my books in my bag, Jessica asked, "Not sitting with us?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'll sit with you guys tomorrow though." She only nodded, following me through the door.

Rosalie was leaning against the wall--looking more like a goddess than anyone had the right to--she was waiting for me.

"See you later," Jessica told me, walking off.

"Hey," she said, giving me a small smile.


She slipped her hand into mine, and we walked quietly to the cafeteria.


A shorter chapter than usual, sorry to tell ya.

Anyways, who wants to take a road trip to Gay Hell, Michigan?



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