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"I'm really sorry that you had to see me like that, Bella," Rosalie said once more as we drove back to town. "When I see boys like that tormenting girls, I just..."

Carefully, I placed my hand on her shoulder, watching as she slowly relaxed. "It's fine, Rosie. Thank you, again. For helping me."

"Rosie?" She questioned with a growing smile on her face.

"Um," I stuttered. "Y-Yeah. It's...yeah."

Rosalie chuckled, trying to hide her smile. "It's cute."

We sat in silence again. I glanced at the clock on the dash. It was past six-thirty.

"Jess and Angela will be worried," I said. "I was supposed to meet them." Rosie only nodded, continuing to drive down the street. We were under the streetlights in no time at all, still going too fast, weaving with ease through the cars slowly cruising the boardwalk. She parallel parked against the curb in a space I would've guessed too small for her BMW, but she slid in effortlessly. I looked out the window to see the lights of La Bella Italia, and Jess and Angela pacing anxiously away from us.

"How did you..." I began, but only shook my head. I heard the door open and turned to see her getting out. "What are you doing?"

"Taking you to dinner," Rosie said smiling, but her eyes were still dark. "Is that okay?" She asked when she saw me hesitating.

"Yeah." She was waiting for me on the other side when I finally got out.

Rosalie stopped me before I could walk up. "You may want to stop your friends before they meet with those other people. I don't think I could restrain myself if I see them again."

She's right, I told myself. "Jess! Angela!" I yelled for them, waving when they turned. They both looked relieved, but Jessica looked on the brink of tears that quickly dried when she saw the tall blonde behind me.

"Where have you been?" Jessica asked, pulling me into a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just got lost," I admitted sheepishly. "Then I ran into Rosalie." I gestured toward her when Jess released me.

"Would it be alright if I joined you?" She asked in an unusual sweet voice. Rosalie usually spoke cold toward other people.

Angela spoke for the both of them, since Jess was too busy glaring at Rosalie. "Actually, we already ate while we were waiting, sorry."

"Doesn't mean we can't eat," Rosalie whispered to me. "I can drive you home if you're all okay with it?"

Angela looked at me, wanting to know if I was okay with it or not. I nodded at her. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. There were so many questions that I couldn't bombard him with till we were by ourselves.

"Fine," Jessica said, breaking off her staring contest with Rosalie. "See you tomorrow." She grabbed Angela's hand, who quickly waved us a goodbye.

"She's just a bundle of joy, isn't she?" Rosalie smirked, walking to the restaurant doors.

The restaurant wasn't crowded. The host was male and I understood the look in his eyes as he assessed both of us. He welcomed us a bit more warmly than necessary, making Rosalie glare at him.

"Table for two," Rosalie said roughly, making the poor boy blush. He led us towards a booth, almost all of them empty.

"How-How is this?"

"Great, thank you." She quickly dismissed him, he still in a daze. I watched as he stumbled back to the kitchen. I chuckled softly at that. "What?"

"Nothing I just feel bad for him."

Rosalie tilted her head to the side, something I found completely adorable, and asked, "Why's that?"

"You completely dazzled him," I explained. "He's probably hyperventilating in the kitchen right now."

"I'm aware of the effect I have on people," she told me. "But I don't really pay attention anymore." Rosalie asked her next question carefully. "Do I dazzle you, though?"

"Frequently," I admitted.

Her yellow eyes flickered to the table. "I can say the same for you then," she whispered quietly but I heard her loud and clear.

And then our server arrived, his face expectant. I tried to clear the blush on my face when he stepped up. The host had definitely told him what he saw and he wasn't disappointed.

"Hello. My name is Asher, and I'll be serving you tonight. Can I get you something to drink?" I didn't miss that he was only speaking to me. The host must've told him that the brunette is nicer.

"I'll have a Coke."

"Make that two," Rosalie added. She waited until he walked away to say anything. "Are you really feeling okay? I'm waiting for you to go into shock>"

"I don't think that will happen," I told her. "But I'm fine."

"Still, I'll feel better when you have some food in you." Right on cue, Asher appeared with our drinks and a basket of bread sticks.

"You ready to order?" He asked me when he placed the drinks down.

I picked the first thing off the menu. "I'll have the mushroom ravioli."

"And you?" He finally faced Rosalie.

"Nothing." Of course not.

He gave me a sly wink but left dissatisfied when I was looking at Rosalie. I was surprised on how thirsty I was when I finished my drink without realizing, but Rosie gave me her's.

"Are you cold?" She asked when she saw me shivering.

"A little, yeah." Without even hesitating, she took off the fluffy jacket she had and gave it to me. Despite on how cold she is, the jacket was warm and smelled like her perfume.

Up until now, I didn't notice what she was wearing. The light grey jacket she was wearing stood out against the plain black sweater that was a little big on her.

"Thank you." She only smiled, and that's when I noticed something. Her eyes were lighter than I'd ever seen them. "You know...you're in a better mood when your eyes are so light."

Rosalie stared at me, shocked. "What?"

"I've noticed that when your eyes are black or close to it, you're a lot more irritable. But when they're like this you're...calmer."

She stared at me for a while. "You're more observant that I thought."

Asher came back with my food and refills. After asking if Rosalie changed her mind, he left without another word.

"How much do you know?" She asked when we were completely alone.

"It's only a theory," I said back. "But I have a few questions first."

Pulling her sleeves over her hands, Rosalie placed them on the table before whispering, "Ask away."


Hey if you haven't watched When They See Us on Netflix, watch that now.

Like right now.

Like holy crap it's good and I need someone to talk to it with.

The same with Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. I just watched it and wow

Bye ✌️

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