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I watched as Rosalie's fingers tapped on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath before she started talking. "The world was so different and yet so similar. The same close minded people never changed," she whispered. "I had to hide a part of myself for so long."

Her eyes flickered to me for a quick second. "My parents were thoroughly middle class. Looking back, I realized that I took that for granted;  in my home, it was as if the Great Depression was only a troublesome rumor. Of course I was the lower class families, but my father left me with the impression that they'd brought their troubles on themselves.

"There were a few things I wanted, besides everyone's admiration and my parents buying me things. But one thing in particular. My closest friend, Vera, married very young and with a man my parents would never approve of; a carpenter. They had a some a year later, a beautiful boy with dimples and curly hair. It was the second time in my human life that I ever felt jealous."

I watched as her hands clenched the wheel until she stopped. "The first was when Vera got married. I wasn't jealous of her but of her husband. He got to marry one of the most beautiful girls in Rochester."

Rosalie cleared her throat and continued on with her story. "Anyways, there was a family that owned the bank my father worked at. The son's owner...Royce King the Second" -- a low growled escaped her, her eyes turning dark-- "was overseeing the different positions he could take when he saw me. I didn't like him, not one bit.

"But still he tried to court me," Rosalie said. "Sending me roses until my room was overflowing with them. My parents approved of him, pressured me into giving into his advances. So to please them, I did. We weren't engaged long."

Rosalie broke off suddenly, clenching her teeth together. It pulled me out of her story, and I realized that the horror wasn't far off. There would be no happy endings, as she'd promised. Seeing that she was struggling to continue, I grabbed on of her hands in mine and kissed the back of it.

"You don't have to continue," I told her, watching as she slowly relaxed. She shook her head, continuing anyways.

"I was at Vera's the night it happened. I didn't realized how late it was or how cold. I was a few streets away from my house when I heard them. A couple of men were under a broken streetlamp, laughing too loud. Drunk. 

"I hadn't realized how well dressed the drunks were. It was Royce and some of his friends, sons of other rich men." She started to stutter over her words. "He um...started to pull me towards them, talking about me when I was some sort of object. It seemed like they liked the sound of my pain."

Rosalie looked at me shyly. "I won't make you listen to the rest. They left me in the street, thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be."

"I'm so sorry, Rosie," I said to her. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

"It's fine," she answered. Before she spoke again, Rosalie stopped the car outside Charlie's house. The sun was almost set; Charlie would be home soon. "I got my revenge on them, shortly after I was turned. I came after them, one by one. I saved Royce for last so he knew I was coming. I made sure not to spill any of their blood though. My record is just as clean as Carlisle's if not better."

"You...killed them?"

"I did," she answered simply.

I didn't get the chance to answer another question because my stomach grumbled loudly. I blushed while Rosalie chuckled.

"You should get inside, you sound hungry."

"Shut up," I grumbled. "Would uh, you like to come inside?"

She looked surprised. "You're inviting me in?"

"If you want to come in."

Before I could blink, Rosalie was out of her seat to open my door. She gave me a wide smile and held my hand as we walked to the door. She didn't shine as much like she did at the meadow. Rosalie only had a slight glow to her.

She watched as I unlocked the door and flicked on the porch light. I went down the hall to the kitchen, only to find her already there, looking around. It was the first time she's been here. I concentrated on getting my dinner, taking last night's lasagna from the fridge, placing a square on the late, heating it in the microwave.

"Is this you?" I heard her ask.

I turned, only to find her staring at a picture from when I was six. I was finish with Charlie, the last time I did fish with him. "Yeah. It was when I was visiting Charlie years ago."

"Well, look were adorable," She stated, kissing my cheek. "And is that Renee?"

This was a picture from when Charlie and Renee first got the house. I was being help in Renee's arms, both of them smiling at the camera. "Yeah. That's her."

I backed away from the picture to my food. I felt Rosalie's arms go around my waist, placing her head on top of mine. I smiled at the gesture and leaned into her.

We both heard the sound of Charlie's car come into the driveway.

Rosalie leaned down to whisper, "Should he know I'm here?"

"Um...no. Not now."

She hummed. "Another time then." I felt her lips brush up against my cheek before she suddenly disappeared.


Y'all have spoken, and here I am answering.

Most of y'all want a sequel...I think everyone wanted me to go with the Life and Death ending and make Bella a vampire.

So I'mma do both. I'm going to combine New Moon, Breaking Dawn and Eclipse all in one story, all while having Bella a vampire. Wish me luck with that.

And to the ones who gave me story ideas...I got y'all.

Have a great day everyone!


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