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When I opened my eyes in the morning, something seemed different.

It was the light. It was still the gloomy light of a cloudy day in the forest, but clearer somehow. I realized there was no fog obscuring my window.

I jumped up to look outside, and glared out the window.

A fine layer of snow covered the yard, dusted the top of my truck, and whitened the road. But that wasn't the worst part...all the rain from yesterday froze solid. I pondered on going back to sleep. I had more than enough trouble walking on dry surfaces.

I was unusually excited to go to school. While my new friends played a part in the excitement, it was mostly because of Rosalie Hale. Was it stupid? Probably. She was too out of my league for her to be even the slightest bit interested in me. But a small part of me was still hopeful.

It took every ounce of my concentration to make it down the icy brick driveway alive. I almost lose balance when I finally made it to the truck, but I managed to cling on the side mirror and save myself. I prayed that no one would see me slip and fall.

Much to my surprise, I had no trouble with the black ice that covered the roads. Still I drove slowly, not taking any chances.

I realized why I had no trouble when I got to school. Something silver caught my eye, and I carefully walked to the back tires to check it out. There were thin chains crisscrossed in diamond shapes around them. Charlie had gotten up who knows how early to put snow chains on my tires.

It was the little things Charlie did that made me even happier that I moved back. I smiled softly, trying to contain the emotions I felt, when I heard a strange sound. It was a high-pitched screech and painfully loud.

I was able to notice several thing simultaneously. Nothing was moving in slow motion, like the way it does in movies. Instead, the adrenaline rush seemed to make my brain work faster, and I was able to absorb in clear detail a few things all at once.

Rosalie Hale was standing four cars down from me, mouth opened in horror. Her face stood out from a sea of faces, all frozen in the same mask of shock. A dark blue van was skidding, tires locked and squealing against the breaks, spinning wildly across the ice of the lot. It was going to hit the back corner of my truck, and I was standing between them. I didn't even have time to close my eyes.

Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I was expecting. My head cracked against the blacktop, and I felt something solid and cold pinning me to the ground. I was laying on the pavement, not having a chance to notice anything else because the van was still coming.

"Fucking come on!" The words passed by so quickly I almost didn't notice them, but the voice was impossible not to recognize.

Her hands shot out in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop close to my face. Rosalie sighed heavily, and banged the back of her head  of my truck. It was silent for a hot second before the screaming started.

"Bella?" The girl said from next to me. "Please tell me you're okay."

"Yeah." My voice sounded strange. A small frown came on her face and she softly touched my head, mumbling softly to herself when I flinched.

"Be careful," she warned. "You hit your head really hard."

I nodded softly, noticing the throbbing ache centered above my left ear. Something dawned on me when I looked into honey eyes. "How did you...get over here so fast?"

"I was standing right next to you," she whispered with pleading eyes.

"No you weren't. You were by your car across the lot," I argued. "I know what I saw, Rosalie. now how did you get to me so fast?"

She made a strange noise, it sounded almost like a growl. "Bella just trust me. I'll explain what I can later. Okay?"


It took six EMTs and two teachers to shift the van away to get the stretchers through. Rosalie only nodded towards me and said she hasn't been touched. I tried to tell them I was fine, but the blonde told them I might've had a concussion. My face was beet red when the put the neck brace on me.

To make matters more embarrassing, Chief Swan arrived before they could safely get me away.

"Bella!" he yelled in panic when he recognized me on the stretcher.

 "Dad, I swear I'm fine," I sighed. "They're just making sure."

Still, he asked for a second opinion on my health. They tried to talk them down while I tuned them out. When they lifted me away from the car, I saw a very distinct dent that fit the slim shape of Rosalie's shoulders...


I was right. Not even a concussion. But before I could even think about leaving, the nurses said I have to see a doctor first. So I was trapped in the ER, harassed by Tyler's constant apologies and promises to make it up to me. After suffering for ten minutes, I closed my eyes and ignored him.

Someone entered the room but I didn't care until they said something. "Is she sleeping?"

Rosalie was standing at the foot of my bed, her expression blank but a smile pulled at her lips when I opened my eyes. "What's the verdict?"

"Just waiting on a doctor so I can go," I answered. "How come you're not in a gurney?"

"I have connections. But I came to spring you."

A doctor came around the corner and I quirked my eyebrow at him. He didn't look too old, but the grey on his blond hair said otherwise. He looked too...handsome to be a doctor; more like a movie star. For Charlie's description, this had to be their guardian.

"So, Bella," he asked in a gentle tone, "the nurses said you're feeling alright?" I confirmed his question with a nod. "Rosalie said you hit your head hard. Does it hurt?"

"It's fine." I looked at her with a questioning look but she avoided my eyes.

"Take some Tylenol for the pain and get some rest," he instructed. "You can go--Charlie's in the waiting room."

Thanking him, I watched as he went to check up on Tyler before I got up to Rosalie.

"Can I talk to you?" She rolled her eyes but led me outside to the hallway. "I deserve an explanation," I reminded her when we were far enough.

"I saved your life--I owe you nothing."

"And I appreciate that," I said. "But why are you acting like this?"

Rosalie's jaw clenched and she gulped roughly. "Trust me when I say that I want to tell you...but I can't"

"Why not?" She didn't answer, and I sighed disappointedly. "Fine, whatever. Don't tell me. Just know that I don't like to lie--so there'd better be a good reason why I'm doing it."   


Started to watch this new hospital show and I deadass cry every episode. Am I still going to watch it? I sure will.

Fact number...8 I think: Paul Roberson is a famous African-American bass singer most known for the song "Old Man River" in 1936.


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