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I turned to give the phone back to Alice when it went dead. I found her and Jasper bent over the table, where Alice was sketching on a piece of paper. I leaned on the back of the couch, looking over she shoulder.

She drew a room: long, rectangular, with a thinner, square section at the back. The wooden planks that made up the floor stretched lengthwise across the room. Down the walls were lines denoting the breaks in the mirrors. And then, wrapping around the walls, waist high, a long band. The band Alice said was gold.

"It's a ballet studio," I said, suddenly recognizing the familiar shapes. "It looks like the same place where I took lessons at when I was younger," I explained when the looked at me, surprised.

"You know this room?" Jasper's voice sounded calm, but there was an undercurrent of something I couldn't identify. Alice bent her head to her work, her hand flying across the page now, the shape of an emergency exit taking shape against the back wall, the stereo and TV on a low table by the front right corner.

"Don't most dance studios look the same?" I asked. "It's only the shape that looks familiar."

"Would you have any reason to go there now?" Alice asked.

"I haven't been there in almost ten years," I admitted.

"So there's no way it could be connected with you?" Alice asked intently.

"I'm sure it's just another studio somewhere."

"Where was the studio you went to?" Jasper asked in a casual voice.

"Fifty-eighth Street and Cactus," I told them. "Right across the street from Renee's house."

I didn't miss the look they shared.

For a while, Alice sketched the vague outline of the dark room from her vision, as much as she could see in the dim light. But when she was fine, she simply say, looking at the blank walls with her timeless eyes. Jasper had a hand on her shoulder, staring intently at her.

After staying with them for a few hours, I walked back to my room, suddenly tired. It didn't take long for me to go to sleep


I could feel it was too early again when I woke, and I knew I was getting the schedule of my days and nights slowly reversed. I lay in my bed and listened to the quiet voices of Alice and Jasper in the other room. That they were loud enough for me to hear at all was strange. I rolled till my feet touched the floor then staggered to the living room.

The clock on the TV said it was just after two in the morning. Alice and Jasper were sitting together on the sofa, Alice sketching again while Jasper looked over her shoulder.

I crept over to Jasper's side to peek.

I watched as Alice drew a square room with dark beams across it's low ceiling. The walls were paneled in wood, a little too dark, out of date. The floor had a dark carpet with a pattern in it. There was a large window against the south wall, and an opening through the west wall that led to the living room. One side of that entrance was stone— a large tan stone fireplace that was open to both rooms. The focus of the room from this perspectives the TV and VCR, balanced on a too small wooden stand, were in the southwest corner of the room. An aged sectional sofa curved around in front of the TV, a round coffee table in front of it.

My head tilted at the familiar picture, and I reached over to point at a corner. "The phone goes there."

Both pairs of eyes looked at me.

"That's my mom's house."

Alice was already off the couch, phone in hand, dialing. I stared at the precise rendering of Renee's family room.

Uncharacteristically, Jasper slid closer to me. "You're not that worried?"

"Not really no," I answered. "Renee's still in Florida, so she's not in danger."

"You're also conflicted," he stated.

I sighed. "She pretty much disowned me. We haven't talked in months, and I know she wants nothing to do with me. I'm still worried, just..." I trailed off, not bothering to finish. Jasper only rubbed my shoulder, easing my worries.

"Bella," Alice said, gaining my attention. "Rosalie is coming to get you. She and Emmett and Carlisle are going to take you somewhere, to hide you for a while."

"What about Charlie?"

"I'll take care of him, don't worry."

Hours later, at around five-thirty, the phone rang again. Jasper was checking us out while Alice and I stayed in the room.

Alice was talking as rapidly as ever, so I didn't catch anything. But she did pause to tell me, "They're just boarding their plane. They'll be here in a few hours."

I only nodded, watching as she paced the room still on the phone. After a few minutes of this, Alice went downstairs with Jasper to talk over something. I stayed upstairs to start packing.

When I was almost finished, I heard the front door open again. I didn't pay it no mind, even when the door behind me open.

"I'm almost done Alice, I'll meet you downstairs." No reply. Furrowing my brows, I turned to look at her. "Ali—"

Before I could even get her whole name out, a tight hand wrapped around my throat, and I stared into blood red eyes.

"Scream and your life is over," she whispered, I could barely hear it by how soft she was speaking.

Black spots were clouding my vision, but Victoria didn't let up the pressure she had on my throat.

The last thing I saw was her twisted, pointed smile.


I just sent in my first college application guys.

I am filled with a lot more anxiety than usual.

Send good vibes my way ❤️


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