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She wanted to know about people today. Rosalie didn't ask about Renee, thankfully, but about my old friends back in Phoenix, and the one grandmother I'd known. And then the question came about any old relationships I had. She didn't act surprise like Jess and Angela did when I told her about my one girlfriend.

"When did you two break up?" she asked in a quiet tone, looking down while playing with my fingers.

"Weeks before I came here," I explained. "But we saw it coming so it didn't hurt."

Rosalie only hummed before continuing on.

We were in the cafeteria at this point. The day had sped by in the blur that was rapidly becoming routine. I took advantage of her brief pause to take a bite of my bagel.

"I should've let you drive yourself today," she announced.


"After lunch, I'm leaving with Alice after school. "

"Oh." I was a bit disappointed at the news. "It's fine, it's not that far of a walk."

Rosalie scoffed before shaking her head. "You think I'm letting you walk? No. We'll leave it here for you. Do you have your keys?"

I handed them over to her. "I really don't mind walking." I did mind losing my time with her. Rosalie only rolled her eyes before taking the keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Hunting," she sighed. "Although my control is amazing, I still want to be careful since I'm going to be alone with you tomorrow."

"Why are you going with Alice?" I wondered.

"She's the most...supportive...when it comes to us." Rosalie reached across the table to grab my hand in hers.

I squeezed her hand. "And the others?" She didn't answer.

I peeked quickly behind me at her family. They sat staring off in different directions, exactly the same as the first time I'd seen them. Only now they were four; their gorgeous, blonde haired member sat across from me, her honey eyes studying me.

"They don't like me," I guessed.

"That's not it," she assured me. "They're just...worried."


Rosalie nodded. "It's not safe for either of us to be spending so much time together. But for you, I'm willing to take that risk."

I looked away, my cheeks blushing, toward her family again. I could hear her talking about something else, but my eyes were stuck on her family. Suddenly, Edward, her red haired family member, turned to look at me. No, not look-- to glare, with dark, cold eyes. I wanted to look away, but his gaze held me until Rosalie broke off mid-sentence and made an angry noise under her breath. It was almost a hiss.

Edward's eyes flickered to her before turning his head, and I was relieved to be free. I looked back at Rosalie and I knew she could see the confusion that was in my eyes.

Her face was tight as she explained. "Sorry about that. Edward is the most scared if this ends...badly."

I frowned at the look on her face. Leaning forward the small distance, I pressed a small kiss on her forehead. Rosalie moved closer to place her head on my shoulder, rubbing my knuckles with her thumb. I glared at the back of Edward's head, but spoke quietly to Rosalie.

"You have to leave now?"

"Yes." She raised her face and smiled softly at me. "It's possibly for the best. We still have fifteen minutes left of that stupid movie and I don't think I can take it anymore."

I started. Alice-- her short, inky hair in a halo of spiky disarray around her cute face-- was suddenly in front of us. Her slight frame was willowy, graceful even in absolute stillness.

Rosalie gave her a short glance. "Alice."

"Rose," she answered, her high soprano voice almost as attractive as Rosalie's.

"Alice, this is Bella," she introduced. "Bella, Alice."

Alice stuck her hand out to me. "Nice to finally meet you, Bella. Rosalie talks a lot about you."

I smiled at her while the blonde next to me glared. "All good things, I hope?"

"Of course." Alice turned to Rosalie now. "Are you ready?"

"I'll meet you at the car."

With a wave my way, Alice left without another word. Rosalie turned her head to kiss my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow?" she muttered against my skin.

"Have fun." I felt her smile before she kissed my cheek again. Rosalie quickly stood up and left the cafeteria. My eyes followed her out the building as the bell rang.

I went to class, feeling dutiful. I couldn't honestly say what happened in Biology; my mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of tomorrow. In Gym, Mike and I were partners again but couldn't talk after class since Jessica pulled me away when the day ended.

"Are you going to the dance with, Hale?" she asked.

"I'm not going at all."

Jessica quirked her head to the side. "What are you doing, then?"

"I'm hanging out with Rosalie actually," I said.

Her voice had a hint of jealously. "Well if you two want, you can come with. I'm sure no one will mind."

"I'll have to see if she wants to go. Bye Jess."

I walked to the parking lot, hoping that my truck would be there. I wasn't let down when I saw the rusty truck in the same spot Rosalie's car was in. As I opened the unlocked door, I saw two things: my keys on the seat and a white piece of paper.

I put the keys in the ignition and unfolded the paper. Two words were written in her elegant script.

Be safe.


Did you guys check out Run, yet? You should check it out, it's a Vicbella story. One of my favorite pairings.

 Anyways, how long have you been following me? Have you been here recently, or a long ass time?


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