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Mipha's POV
We peered up the steep cliff in front of us. "You want to go up there?" Link asked, shading his eyes from the sun.

"Yes," I nodded, putting my hands on the rocks jutting out. "getting to the top of Spectacle Rock will help us see our path to Gerudo Town more clearly."

"I figured that you'd know that path by now."

"Well, I do. It's just that Vah Naboris isn't where it should be. Usually it is on Spectacle Rock, but obviously it is not. We need to make sure that nothing bad has happened." I set my foot on another ledge and pushed myself up. I then put my left hand above to try to to find any other ledge that I could grab onto.

"You know, there's an easier way."

"Like what?" I found a small ledge and started to find another ledge for my right hand to hold onto. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from the wall. "W-What are you doing?"

He took out his paraglider with his right hand and held me tightly with his left. "Hang on tight!"

I clung onto him and he lowered himself a bit. Out of nowhere a giant gust of wind blew from underneath us. Link then jumped up and we began to fly upwards. In seconds we were at the top of the cliff. Link then gently glided us to the edge and I carefully landed, my body still having the feeling of floating.

"See?" He gave me a big smile. "That was a lot more easier than climbing!"

I slightly laughed and let go of him, "I still can't believe that Revali gave you his ability. I guess all that time stuck in Vah Medoh humbled him."

He put his paraglider back into his bag and looked forward towards the desert. His eyes widened and his smile faded. "Is that Naboris?"

I looked behind and all I could see was a gigantic cloud of sand and dust that seemed to cover almost the whole desert. Vaguely I could see the silhouette of Naboris stomping around to the left of where Kara Kara Bazaar would be.

"Oh no..." I quickly ran to the other side of Wasteland Tower to get a better look. Link quickly followed behind. "How long has it been like this?" I covered my hand with my mouth. Why did I not know about this? I should've known about this.  Surely this had to have happened once Urbosa died, so... Why didn't they reach out to me? Why didn't I reach out to them?! I should've reached out to them. So many have probably died or are suffering majorly because of this! Why have I been so careless? Why... why did I neglect my duty?"

Link put his hand on my shoulder, "You ok?"

My eyes stayed fixated on the sandy cloud. "I didn't know that it was this bad. I should've been more focused on my duty. I should've—"

"Hey, we'll fix this. Just like we did with the other Divine Beasts, we will fix this. Sure, it might be more than we expected—"

I moved my shoulder out of his grip and motioned my hand toward the muddied cloud. "I failed my job as a champion, Link!"

"No you haven't," his voice was calm, which only made my frustration grow.

"Don't you see that cloud? That cloud has most likely been there since Urbosa died; several decades! These people have probably been living in poverty because of the lack of trade. Not only that, but there have probably been many attempts to get help, but all have been unsuccessful! If I just would've come back to check on them... Why was I so neglectful!"

He walked forward and held me in a tight hug. "So you made a mistake."

"A mistake that most likely costed hundreds of lives!"

As Link held me in a hug, I watched the silhouette of Naboris stomp through the desert. As I looked more closely, I realized that where blue light should be, there was red. Urbosa isn't controlling Naboris... something else is controlling it. But who? Is it Ganon? Did Thunderblight somehow return?

"We need to get to Gerudo Town now," I pulled away from his hug and walked over to the edge of the cliff. He followed by my side. "If Revali and Daruk both stayed with their Divine Beasts as spirits, then surely Urbosa did as well. However, Naboris's lights are red, not blue like the others. Someone else is in control and we need to find out who."

"How are we going to get to Gerudo Town in that storm? We can barely make anything out from here, and the Sheikah Slate would surely lose connection."

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Let's find the Gerudo Canyon Stable and see if anyone can help us."


I sat on one of the chairs surrounding the cooking pot. I sighed and looked up at the gateway that led to the sandstorm. It was like a force field that no one would dare go through.

Link came up to my side and pulled a chair next to me. He sat on it, his face filled with disappointment.

"So, what did that group of people tell you?" I asked, trying to sound hopeful.

"Well, for one they called us crazy," he sighed and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "They said that the Divine Beast walks throughout the whole desert. If you get too close to the Beast, then it will rain lightning down on you. Which wouldn't be good for us at all, especially you. They also said that the only way to outrun it is to have a sand seal, but lately the seals haven't been around, most likely due to the Divine Beast. So to sum it all up, we're screwed."

"Way to have a positive attitude," I said sarcastically. "Listen, I know that it all sounds bad, I mean it is, but we have to stop Naboris somehow. At least we now know what we're dealing with. I say we head out tomorrow morning and try to get to the Bazaar."

"Alright, let's just hope that we survive."

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