Luminous Royalty

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Link's POV
I quietly sat at on my bed in my Zora armor and greaves. I looked out the window. The morning light sprinkled in and reflected beautifully off of the river. Birds of all kinds, big and small, flew by and sang their own unique songs. A small, gentle breeze whistled among the leaves of the distant trees. The crashing sound of the nearby waterfalls was distant, yet present. It was all so calm and reverent. Almost like even nature knew about the importance of today.

Two small knocks came from the door. I looked at it, knowing immediately who it was. "Come in!"

The door opened and Mipha gracefully stepped in. She softly closed the door behind her. A navy blue transparent cloak draped down her shoulders. It trailed long behind her and it complimented her white, silky garb. She lightly walked over to the bed and sat next to me. I held her hand in mine and pulled her close.

"Today's the day," her voice was soft and gentle.

I nodded my head, "Everything just happened so fast. I mean, we just had the funeral last month."

"Time waits for no one," she slightly chuckled.

I chuckled too. Time really doesn't wait. Not one bit. "Do... do you really think that I can do this, Mipha?"

A kind smile came upon her face. She leaned in close and kissed me softly. "I knew you could from the moment I first began loving you. You're a wonderful leader, Link. A strong one."

"You flatter me," I smiled and slightly shook my head.

"But it's true."

I kissed her again, but this time I savored every moment of it. I don't know how I was able to marry someone so wonderful and loving, but I'm glad I did. I'm beyond proud to have Mipha as my wife. My beloved queen.


I wandered down the long hallway to the storage room. Klay needed an extra broom for the ceremony and I was more than happy to get it, even though I am technically the king and probably shouldn't be doing stuff like this.

I opened up the door to the storage room and I walked in. I carefully scanned the shelves until eventually I found a couple of brooms on the right side of the wall between two sets of shelves. I strolled over to it and grabbed one of the clean brooms. Twisting the broom in the palm of my hand, I turned around, and just as I took a step, the door slammed shut. I slightly flinched by how sudden it was and I carefully looked around the corner to see what could've caused it to close. Muzu was standing right in the center. Of course.

I fully stepped out to greet him, "Hi, Muzu! What are you—"

"Not another word!" He stomped over to me and glared at me intensely.

I took a couple steps back, "O-Okay, is something wrong?"

"Of course something is wrong!"

My mind started to go through all of the possible scenarios. Did something happen with the decorations? Did something happen to the food? Did something happen to any of the grandchildren? "What's wrong?"

"You! You're the problem!" He was breathing heavily and his eyes were just filled with anger.

"What did I do? Did I say something wrong or—"

"Oh, don't you play coy with me! Look in the mirror and you'll see exactly what I mean."

Look in the mirror? Wait, this is because I'm a Hylian, isn't it? I almost forgot that he hates Hylians, but is that really something to get all angry about? I mean, it's been how long? He just needs to deal with it at this point. "I'm having trouble recognizing how me being a Hylian is going to ruin this whole thing."

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