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*100 years later*
Link's POV
"...Link... Link... Link! Open your eyes... Open your eyes... Open your eyes, Link."

I followed the voice's instruction and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes began to focus on the blue lights over me.

"Wake up, Link."

The water that I was supposedly submerged in began to recede. I sat up and looked at my surroundings. It was dark, the only thing lighting up the room being those blue lights above me. I stood up and walked out of the shallow pool I was in to explore more.

In front of me was some sort of closed door and there was a pedestal to the left of it with the same blue lights that were above the pool. I walked over to it, curious if it could open the door somehow. A part of it rose up and a small, handheld tablet with an eye on it flicked up.

"That is a Sheikah Slate," the voice explained. "Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber."

I cautiously removed the slate out of the pedestal and carefully held it in front of me. A blue light with the same eye symbol appeared on the screen. It's weird, It looks familiar, but I don't know why.

The door in front of me began to rise up and reveal another room. It had giant wooden crates, small barrels, and two wooden chests. I kneeled down to open the chests and I had to forcefully unlock them because of the rust on them. Inside the first chest I opened there was a blue garb with white patterning on it. The second chest had beige pants with brown boots. Both looked pretty worn out and had stains of some sort. I decided to carefully put them on and they fit perfectly. Just like the Sheikah Slate, these clothes also felt very familiar to me, but I didn't know why.

I proceeded forward and came upon another closed door that had another pedestal on the right, except this one didn't have a placeholder for the slate.

"Hold the Sheikah Slate up to the pedestal. That will show you the way."

I hovered the slate above it and a blue light shined from it. After a few moments, the door in front of me started rumbling open. It didn't open to a new room, but to the... outside? The light was blinding at first. I had to use my arm to shield my eyes for a moment.

"Link... You are the light—our light—that must shine upon Hyrule once again. Now, go..."

I walked up the stairs and it lead to a big boulder. I climbed up it and went up the last flight of stairs. I then walked out of the room to the outside. Everything around me was lush and green. In the distance there was magnificent scenery. A steaming volcano, mountains snowy and bare, vast plains and forests, and a dark, broken down castle right in the center. I had to take in the sight for a bit. It was beautiful.

I went to take a step forward but my foot hit something. I kneeled down and moved the overgrown grass to find a small, old wooden box. I opened it and there was a bracelet with opals and luminous stones as the beads. I don't know if this was for me, but this box has obviously been here a long time, so I might as well take the bracelet. Besides, it seems really special somehow.

I went to put the bracelet on my left wrist. As I put it on, I realized that I had a luminous ring on my fourth finger. Just like the slate and the clothes, something was familiar about this ring. Although, this time there was a familiar feeling to it. It made me feel happy and... loved.

An image of a figure appeared in my mind. It was a red fish-person. Instead of hair she had a tail fin and she had smaller fins on her legs and arms. She was extremely beautiful and carried a silver trident with blue and pink accents. I could hear her giggle. It was gentle and loving.

The memory faded and I was finally brought back to reality. A massive headache started to grow in my mind and I put my hand on my head. I grimaced from the pain. Why is my head hurting? Who was that? Why do these things seem familiar when I've never seen them before? Also, why did I wake up inside a mountain? What's going on?

I turned to the right and started walking over to the cliffside next to the cave I was in. A... vision of some sort started to play in my mind at the sight of it.

I was in so much pain. Every part of me hurt. There were four giant creatures made of some sort of substance. They were terrifying.

I shook my head. The headache was getting worse.

All of sudden that same red fish-person was there. She took me to safety for a short while until one of those monsters came at her. I needed to save her even though I knew I was quickly dying.

I groaned and fell to my knees. My head was throbbing. The pain was unbearable. "Stop it," I hissed.

The red fish-person was lying on the ground injured. I was in a panic to get her away from the scene. I ran to her and I could see her pained eyes. I was yelling "Mipha". Then one of the monsters sent a wave of fire at us. I needed to protect her no matter the cost. Then I just felt pain and burning... nothing else.

"Stop it!" I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. The pain was still lingering strongly in my head. "What—what was that? Why is my head hurting so much? Are these memories or...? Why was that same fish-person there?"

I stayed there for a moment until my head finally cleared up. I stood up and looked around. I noticed a hill that led to a broken temple and a tall tower. There were two people walking from the tall tower. It was like they were Hylian but also looked like that one fish-person I keep on imagining. One was a man and one was a woman. Both looked to be in their fifties. They also had pale yellow fins on their arms and legs, which reminded me of the red fish-person figure I saw in that vision.

Well, I need to figure out what these visions are and who that red fish-person is. As well is who or what Mipha is. Maybe these two might know something about it.

I walked closer to the edge of the hill and the two looked directly at me. I stopped and did a small wave. Then they both ran around the broken debris and up the hill. When they came up to me, their eyes were filled with excitement and wonder.

"Dad?!" They both said out of breath.

I gave them a confused look, "Dad?"


I'm not going into as much details for how the kids look because I want to leave it all up to your guys' imagination. It's totally not because I don't really know myself and I can't stick to a design in my head mmhmm yep definitely not that.

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