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Mipha's POV
The stars in the night sky shined bright. The moon's light illuminated our path as the five of us crossed Owlan bridge. Zelda, Liana, and I stopped at the end and waited for both Link and Valik to catch up. Valik held on tight to the railing with one arm and Link held Valik's other arm and helped him limp across. Once they caught up to us, we matched their pace so that we could all stay together.

"So," Zelda began, "Aven and Alivia are gone, as expected. What happened to them?"

I looked at her for a moment then looked back down at the ground. It's heartbreaking what happened to Aven and Alivia. I would've done everything I could to save them. "They lived for a good while after you went to keep Ganon at bay. Alivia was able to get married and she had two children."

"Aw, that's amazing! I'm so happy for her. Do you know how she died? A-And Aven. How did he die?"

I explained how both Aven and Alivia died. As I explained it, Zelda seemed distraught, yet at the same time she expected all of it.

"Oh Aven..." Zelda covered her mouth with her hands. "I wish I was there for him... and for Alivia. Now..." she deeply sighed. "Now I'm going to have to start my life all over again."

"Well, not exactly," I hinted. "Like I said, Alivia did get married and have children. I know that she moved to Tarrey Town when she got married. Maybe her children and their own children still live there. Of course I'm not entirely sure. After Alivia died her family never stayed in contact with me."

"Thank you, Mipha. While it might not be much, it's at least a start. It's more comforting to know that I still have some sort of family."


The fight here must've been brutal. The Great Zora Bridge and the other connecting bridges are completely destroyed.

"Something tells me that I'm gonna be pretty busy these next couple of months," Liana commented. "I guess we'll have to jump down and use the ladder."

Valik, Liana, Link, and I dove down into the water and swam to the ladder. Zelda used Link's paraglider and floated onto the ladder. We all climbed up, though Valik quite slow because of his exhaustion, and got a better look at everything the revival had done to the Domain.

The whole Domain was covered in rubble and many parts were either slanted or completely broken off. What really caught my eye, however, was the giant crowd of people near the throne room. Practically the whole population was there. We all walked up the stairs and pushed our way through the crowd. When I made it to the front, I felt that same exact grief that I felt when Link was gone.

Father laid lifeless. Deep wounds penetrated his body. Sidon was facing away from me, his hand touching father's shoulder. I immediately broke down into tears and fell to my knees. Ganon took someone precious away from me again! I thought that this time he wouldn't. I thought I prevented it! But he still found a way! And, if I was here, I probably could've saved father. I wish that I could've at least said goodbye.

Valik and Liana walked up to both sides of me and hugged me. They were crying as well. Of course, they looked up to father as much as I did.

Sidon then walked over to me and kneeled in front of me. It's been a long time since I've seen him so sad and vulnerable. "M-Mipha," He said through his tears, "I-I'm sorry. I failed. I should've been more observant and considerate! It's my fault!"

I put my hand on his cheek. He's sounding a lot like how I was when Link was gone. I was blaming myself for everything and I felt worthless. I can't let him go through the same thing. "Sidon, I don't know how it happened, but I know for a fact that it was not your fault."

The four of us stayed there for a few moments. Then, we had the crowd leave the area so that we could move father's body.

Muzu walked up to Sidon and I, "Where should we bury him?"

Sidon and I looked at each other. We both knew exactly where he should be buried: next to mother. "Toto Lake," We both answered.


Looking through father's journals, I sat on the bed in my room. It had writings about almost everything that he had done throughout his life. It had stories about him, mother, Sidon, and I as well. I know reading these would just make me miss him more, but I couldn't help myself.

I heard a knock on my door and I looked up at it, "Come in."

Link opened up the door and closed it behind him. He walked over to me and I happily let him sit next to me. "I know that you said that you wanted some alone time, but I just wanted to make sure that you were doing ok."

I closed father's journal and held his hand. "No, I'm really glad that you're here." I kissed his cheek and snuggled close to him. "I'm sorry about earlier... when I yelled at you. I was just so scared about losing Valik."

"It's ok. You had every right to be angry. I was too. It's just if I was going to lose Valik, I didn't want to lose both you and Liana too."

About an hour later, we were both laying next to each other on the bed. I looked out at the window. The night sky was clear and beautiful, not plagued by any malice. I still can't believe that today all of Hyrule was freed from the pains of Ganon.

Link gently put his arm over me, "You should get some sleep. You had a long day."

I looked at him and smiled, "I could say the same for you, Hero of Hyrule." He softly chuckled and pulled me closer. I nuzzled into his chest and snuggled close to him.

After all these many years of fighting and burdens keeping me awake a night, I finally felt like I could fully relax and feel comfort. No longer did I have to worry about Ganon. No longer did I have to feel alone at night. And even though father did die, I know that he'd be proud of all of us. Tomorrow a new chapter begins. A chapter of freedom and restoration.


This is not the end! More chapters are coming >:)

I just want to acknowledge all the support and wonderful comments! You all are amazing and I hope that whatever you are going through you will be able to push through it! Remember that sometimes it's the little things that can make all the difference 💛

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