Moments before the world fell apart.

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Gumball: *yawns gently* Aauughhh... *rubs his eyes and pulls himself up from the bed* Darwin...? Anais...? *gets off his bed and walks out of the bedroom*

They didn't wake me up this time? I expect Darwin to wake me up-
Oh... Thanksgiving break. Right.

Gumball: So hot... *walks slowly downstairs*
Anais: Come on, Mom! I just want to go to that other Daisy Land park at Franklin!!
Nicole: Honey, you can't. I'll be at work today.
Anais: Why can't Dad come? He's always at home!
Darwin: Dad is lazy and can't afford it!! *eats his eggs from his plate*
Anais: Why can't me, Gumball, and Darwin go by ourselves?!
Nicole: By yourselves... *sees Gumball at the stairs*
Gumball: What is it, Mom?
Nicole: Gumball! *face lights up into a sile* You're just in time! Can you take Anais along with Darwin to the Daisy Land at Franklin?
Gumball: A Daisy Land at Franklin? No way! I'm not a young kid anymore and I don't want to bring a child there!
Anais: Come on! You ne-
Nicole: *develops a serious tone* Why not, Gumball? Apparently you're not up for fall classes to boost your grades up a little. So you will be doing nothing this break, right?
Gumball: No! I have other plans!!
Nicole: Sweetie... You haven't had any sibling time with Anais at all. I really think you need to spend time with her today.
Darwin: And me as well!
Gumball: I spend time with Darwin every day! I don't need to waste my time with someone bossy like her!
Nicole: Gumball! *looks sternly at him*
Gumball: I... Nnnh...

Why does my mother have to set me off so much?!

Gumball: Alright, fine! *slams the fork on the table* I'll take her and Darwin there on the bus!
Nicole: Thank you, my Gummypuss. *smiles genuinely at him*
Gumball: Ugh. *takes a bite off his eggs*
Anais: Yayyyy!!! *goes to the table and sits down at a seat with a beaming expression on her face*

Ugh... What did I even put myself into? I hate kids theme parks! I'm a twelve year old and I shouldn't be going because I don't like Daisy the Donkey stuff!!

At the public bus...

Anais: *looks outside the bus window* Whooaaa! Look, guys, look! It's another amusement park!
Gumball: Wooow... Nice. *stays looking down at his legs*
Anais: Come on, Gumball! Look at it!!
Gumball: Okay, fiine! *looks at the window* Whoaaa...

There's a lot of businesses selling food... I wish I could try them all...

Darwin: I wish I could try that one day!
Gumball: Me too... I want to try the sweets.
Anais: Amazing, right? *smiles at him*
Gumball: Kind of! *smiles back a little*

Maybe one day I could go there!
...If my family could afford it.

*public bus stops at an area*
Gumball: *looks at the signs* Oh! We're at Franklin now. *gets up and grabs both of their hands* Come on!
Anais: Oh! Alright! *follows him along with Darwin*

I did check the weather today. It says it will be very hot with a bit of wind but sunny. I think I can handle it... Though it's confusing why it's still heated during October.

Gumball: *walks down the sidewalk*
Darwin: Gumball, I'm hot from the suuun!!! Can't we just take the bus??
Gumball: Did you bring any water then?
Anais: I forgot to bring mine...
Darwin: I only got one I stuffed in Anais's backpack. *opens the zipper and takes it out*
Anais: Oh! Yes! Thank you!! *drinks about half of the water* Ahhh...
Gumball: Oh, Anaaiis!! You should have left some for us!
Anais: It's not that much! I think they have water bottles at Daisy Land!
Gumball: Yeah, right. *sees a girl leaning on the light pole drinking soda*
Jazelle: *gulps down the soda and sighs in relief* 
Gumball: Hm. *walks past her* Come on, guys.
Anais/Darwin: *follows him down the sidewalk*
Jazelle: *watches them pass by* Mm?
Anais: I'm hooooott!!
Gumball: You'll get water when we get there, okay?!
Jazelle: Heh. What stubborn kids. *smiles and keeps drinking her soda*

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