Pure morning's fortune?

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We're already rushing to the hospital and it's very crowded... I'm just worried... I don't want her to end up like them...

Doctor: *opens the trunk* Bring her out now!!
Other Doctors: *pulls Anais out and rolls her down to the entrance*
Gumball: *follows the doctors looking around*

So many people are here... They could be injured or sick...

Darwin: Will Anais be okay?!
Doctor: She's unconscious, so we'll see if she is okay, mister!

I'm getting dizzy... No, I can't get dizzy now... She'll be okay...

Gumball: *looks up and is blinded by the window light* Nnhhh... *covers his eyes with his arm*

I just want her to be okay... I just want her to be okay.....

Gumball: *finds himself in a dark hallway with a broken flickering light sign* Huh? *looks around* J-Jazelle? Darwin? *sees a form in front of him on a table* Eh? *looks at it* What is this supposed to be...? *puts it down and turns around seeing an unknown body in a blanket on a rolling chair* What's this? *approaches the covered body*

A body? I don't think bodies are supposed to be outside the hallway...

Gumball: *sees Anais's backpack and gasps* Her backpack?! *bites his fingers in anxiety* Don't tell me this is Anais... *is about to reach for the towel on their head* Mmmnhh...

Please don't be her, please don't be her, please don't be her...

Gumball: *flips the towel off and sees Anais's face* AH!! *backs up in shock trembling*

IT'S... IT'S HER...

Gumball: *collapses on his knees staring at her lifeless body* I... What... 

How... How did she... How...? She's... She's... I...

Gumball: *tears fill up his eyes* No... *sniff* No, this isn't true... *clutches his head and screams sobbing uncontrollably* IT'S NOT TRUE!! IT'S NOT TRUUUUU-HUUUUUUEEEE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH-HAHHHH-HAHHHHHH-HAHHHHHHHH!!!!*HICC*

Gumball, wake up!!!

Gumball: Nnnh... *opens his eyes full of tears* What...?
Darwin: Dude, you fell asleep... Maybe it's because you panicked too much...
Gumball: I... I was dreaming...?
Jazelle: Guys, the nurse is here.
Gumball: Uhhh...?
Nurse: Is your sister allergic to anything, including medications?
Gumball: N-No...
Nurse: Has she been admitted to the hospital for any serious injuries or illness?
Gumball: No... 
Darwin: She did come once because of some brain shrinking condition caused by facepalming.
Gumnall: Oh, right... *puts his hand on his forehead and groans* Ughh... I almost forgot about that one...
Nurse: Thank you, mister. *smiles and leaves*
Jazelle: Gumball, are you okay?
Gumball: I'm fine... *looks around and sees the crowds and doctors*

I was dreaming, heh... I'm already inside the hospital, right...? The hospital would have collapsed if so many people are around...
I hope Anais will be okay and won't be dead at all... I don't want to have such a terrible time like that again...

Gumball: Anais won't die, right...?
Jazelle: Oh, Gumball... *smiles at him* She won't die! She was running around a lot until moments ago! I'm sure she will be fine! She's a strong girl!
Darwin: Yeah! She's a toddler but she's a big smart girl!
Gumball: Yeah... *clutches Anais's backpack close to him* She won't die...

Anais will be fine... She was just tired... So she'll be fine...

A few hours later...

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