Her biggest struggle.

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Jazelle: Mmm... *opens her eyes* Morning already...?
Darwin/Anais: *still asleep in their blankets beside her*
Jazelle: *pulls herself up and puts her hand on her forehead* Nnhhhh... *sees that Gumball is not beside her* Mm? Gumball? *looks around* Gumbaaalll?

Ahh... Lucky the showers are still on. I snuck in to get a refreshing bath early since I stinked a lot.

Gumball: *comes out of the school and sighs in relief* Much better! *sees Darwin and Anais* I'm ready to go!
Anais: Yayyy!!!
Darwin: It's strange, though! You usually wake up late, haha!
Gumball: Ehhh? Why say that?
Darwin: You're always waking up at the afternoon!
Gumball: How could I be doing that when I have school??!
Darwin: Just saying! Hahahah! *laughs happily*
Gumball: *grabs his legs and shakes them violently* YOU SILLY FIIISSHH!!!
Jazelle: You guys are just funny! Hahaha! *sighs in relief* You guys decided to get up so early... You're alright waking up like this?
Anais: Yeah! We want to get home as soon as we can!
Jazelle: Alright then. *smiles at them*
Anais: *runs to the boys and tries to separate them* COME ON! STOP!!! HAHAHAAA!!
Jazelle: Heh... *puts her hand on her forehead and groans* Unnghhh... *walks to them*

We're getting closer and closer to home as we keep going! And I'm determined to keep going with the others no matter what!!

Jazelle: We'll be heading to a nearby town called Elmore Desert Ranch which is close to Elmore. It is where my workplace will be. 
Gumball: Oh! That place is where I always get my fast food at!
Jazelle: Hm. I sometimes go there too. They got good fast food there.
Darwin: We could have met by coincidence, though...
Anais: I know, right? We would have suddenly met there and became friends!!
Jazelle: Oh... Of course! *smiles happily* That would have happened!
Gumball: *looks up and sees a road bridge loose* Oh, boy... This is messed up...
Jazelle: It's a loose bridge... We should walk over it quickly.
Gumball: Right. 
Jazelle: My momtold me they built this road bridge when she was in high school. It's sad that the bridge broke because of this big earthquake...
Darwin: Yeah... The earthquake damaged California so much...
Jazelle: Mhm... *hears a radio playing* Hm?
Radio: We now read the reports from Elmore.
Jazelle: *gasps and stops walking for a moment looking at the radio*
Gumball: What is it, Jaz?
Radio: According to the information we have gathered, huge fires have spread through half of the town since the earthquake occurred. They are still being extinguished by many firefighters.
Gumball: Th-That's where our homes are!!
Jazelle: My home is far from the area... *grabs her phone and dials her mother's number* Come on... Please answer... Please answer... *voice says service is unavailable* Ugh, it's not working... *goes through news channels* Where's the reports on Elmore?! Oh... Right. *runs to a nearby office building*
Gumball: Jazelle, wait! *follows her along with the others*
Darwin: *follows her as well* What are you doing??

It seems like she's worried about what happened in Elmore because her family lives there...

Jazelle: IS ANYONE HERE?! *sees no one in the office and grabs the phone dialing her mother's number* Come on... *waits patiently but voice says service is unavailable* AAAAUUGHHHH!!!! *slams the phone on the dialer and slumps on the floor onto her knees* And to think we could find a way home by just getting here...
Gumball: J-Jazelle... I think you should hurry back home... You don't have to keep taking us with you...
Jazelle: *turns around looking at the three* I can't just leave you guys alone!! You're just kids and you'll get in danger out there!!
Darwin: No! W-We'll be fine by ourselves!
Jazelle: *sighs and gets up with her hand on her forehead groaning a bit* Ughhh... Sorry... I'm just gonna stop by the other office real quick... *walks down the sidewalk slowly*
Anais: I don't think she's feeling well...
Gumball: I just hope she's okay... Come on. *follows Jazelle along with the others*
Jazelle: *looks at the windows and trudges down the sidewalk passing by the kids*
Gumball: Mm... *looks back and sees her going inside an entrance*
Anais: We should... Wait...
Jazelle: *raises her head out of the entrance* You all can come on in. *smiles at them*
Gumball: Oh- Alright! *follows her along with the others*

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