The many grieving victims...

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We're close to Elmore Junior High and that means we'll be getting home soon... I hope my home is fine and I hope Mom and Dad are okay... I also wonder if the school is alright too...

Gumball: *sees the radio tower down* Mm...
Darwin: I can't believe a radio tower collapsed... This area won't get any radio signals for a bit...
Gumball: Well, the school might have signals!
Darwin: Maybe...
Jazelle: Well, it seems like we're near!
Anais: Finally we're at Elmore Junior High!
Jazelle: Ahh, the memories... All the fun times I had with my friends in this school...
Gumball: It's obvious. Every adult in this world has been here as kids.
Darwin: I remember that time you had just one day with your mother at school!
Gumball: Ugh, don't remind me about that! It was embarrassing!
Jazelle: Embarrassing? What happened that was embarrassing?
Gumball: *blushes in embarrassment* Nothing...
Anais: Wait, what moment?
Gumball: Don't ask... Nnnh...
Darwin: Ehhh, don't mind me. You see, he wanted to be noticed in the house. So his mom came to school with him, which didn't work as she messed up many things.
Gumball: Don't just say it, Darwin!!
Jazelle: So your mother tried to be the perfect mother and make it up to him?
Darwin: I guess...
Gumball: Nnnnh... *looks away*

Okay, maybe I should explain so things aren't so awkward...

Gumball: Okay, well, you see... I just wanted to be noticed in the house and my mom decided to make me happy tomorrow in school... in the worst way.

Nicole: Awww, give me a big smile, Gumball! This will be a great day!!
Gumball: Mom, you're not helping. Please.
Darwin: *speaking through a forced grin* Yeah! This is the best day ever!
Nicole: Come on! We have to eat lunch! I bet the have your favorite lunch! *smiles*
Gumball: Just stop already, please! *blushes and looks at others*
Masami: Oh my gosh. His mother is here. That just proves he's a baby.
Jamie: *snickers* Of course he is a baby. He's not potty trained. Hahaha! *laughs silently*
Gumball: *looks down and sweats from embarrassment* Ughh...

I yelled at her for causing me to say I didn't love my girlfriend because she kept helping me for no reason and embarrassed me... And she just left feeling sad. I did ask her to come since I wanted to be a cheerleader just to make my girlfriend better by showing that I'm better than her. But I failed and just cried like a baby in front of the others...

Gumball: *banging the floor* MOOOO-HOOOOOO-HOOOO-HOOOOOMMM!!! *HICC* MAKE THEM RECOUNT THE SCORE!!! *raises his arms at her indicating he needs a hug* MAKE THEM RECOUNT THE SCOOO-OOO-OOOORRREEE!!!
Nicole: *carries him* Well... *puts his legs around her waist* Zero plus zero equals zero, honey...
Nicole: Don't worry, you'll do better next time! 

Turns out that my failure got my girlfriend on the team since the principal and the counselor were about to disqualify her for her performance. Lucky me... I don't know why, but my mom was in such a sad mood after that. Either I was too embarrassing or I tired her out...

Jazelle: She must have felt terrible with herself. All she wanted was to make you happy in some way so you wouldn't be angry at your family anymore and feel comfortable with yourself and your own town, but seeing how you acted just showed that she wasn't helping at all.
Gumball: Huh...?
Jazelle: If Melody were to ever behave like that when I tried to help her, I would have cried! Haha! *chuckles*
Gumball: Right...
Anais: She works hard, you know. Why be mad at her for ruining your time?
Gumball: She did ruin my day, but... She did do her best...
Darwin: And I tried my best to keep a smile but I just exploded... Hahaha... *laughs nervously*
Gumball: You had to get bandaged after that, dude.
Darwin: Riiiight! Haha!
Jazelle: Oh! We're here! *walks to the nearby shelter full of people*
Gumball: Whoa...

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