Ready for a new tomorrow.

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Just an hour away from home... We'll soon be safe and sound! And we'll celebrate Mom and Dad's anniversary for that!

Gumball: *sees big diggers digging up debris from the destruction* Whoaaa...
Darwin: Reconstruction is coming pretty well... I guess this disaster is finally over...
Gumball: Not completely over, Darwin. California is very destroyed, so it will take a while for us to heal...
Darwin: Right...
Anais: Come on, guys! We're close to home! We can't just stop to see stuff!! *follows Jazelle*
Gumball: Oh, right! Come on, Darwin! *follows her*
Darwin: Okay! *follows the three*
Gumball: *looks around and sees many houses destroyed*

Wow... The earthquake sure did start many bad fires... Or it just damaged the houses completely...

Gumball: Lots of this place is really damaged...
Anais: I know... The earthquake was an 8.5 so it was very strong...
Darwin: Talk about an earthquake creating a fire!
Anais: Uh, no! Natural gas in houses were destroyed along with tankers tripping and gas stations being damaged! So of course there would be fires!
Gumball: Right, right... Anyways, Jazelle, how far are we to your home?
Jazelle: Just a few minutes away. Let me check the news. *takes out her phone and opens the news channel*
News man: The Elmore fire is reported to be the biggest fire in California. Only a tiny bit of the neighborhood was burnt down and the fires have been extinguished. Rescue services are at the scene helping others. So far, no aftershocks were reported as the earthquake must be done with it's wrath.
Jazelle: Seems like the fires have been put out, so we're safe.
Gumball: Then let's get going! Melody and your mom could be there waiting, so let's not waste time!
Jazelle: You're right... Sorry if I'm wasting my time. Let's go. *walks down the road*
Gumball: *smiles and follows her along with the others*

We got to the neighborhoods in Elmore but... 

Gumball: This is... A lot of damage...
Darwin: Elmore really did have a big fire... *kicks the debris out of the way*
Jazelle: *looks around* This... This isn't what they said on the news...

They said it was just a small portion but it feels like a big portion to me...

Darwin: They said a small portion, Jazelle! We're probably at the small portion now!
Jazelle: *sighs and shakes her head* We need to get going! Come on!! *runs down the path*
Gumball: Okay! *follows her along with the others*

I hope her home isn't burned down... If it is, it could be that... That they... They... No, I can't bear to say it...

Jazelle: *walks up a steep path and recognizes the next direction* Oh! This is where I always come home!! *runs up the path*
Gumball: You found your home?
Jazelle: Yeah, it's right here! Right where I- *sees her house half burned down and gasps*  No... No... *runs to the entrance and finds Melody's burnt bike* Oh, gosh... No no no no no... *goes inside the burned down house* MELODYYYY?! MOOOOMMM?! *looks around the debris*
Gumball: Th-This is bad...
Anais: What do we do? 
Gumball: They could be somewhere! I know it! *sees two men carrying a wagon* Oh! Mister! *runs to them* Do you know where the people living here could have went to?
Man #1: Well... I heard a gas station exploded from the earthquake near the neighborhood which caused the fire to start.
Man #2: Some people didn't survive, some did. But most didn't.
Darwin: Oh, gosh...
Jazelle: *looks down and collapses on her knees* Why...? *sniffles and covers her eyes with her hands* Whyyyyy?? *sobs softly* Ahuh-huh-huhhh... *hicc*
Gumball: I... *looks down in disappointment of himself*

This is our fault... We could have went by ourselves, but instead we kept her back and now... She's too late... They're probably dead already...

Jazelle: *sitting leaning on the wall with her head in her arms*
Gumball: *leaning on a wall* What do we do now...? *looks at Jazelle* If we didn't let her help us, she would have came home sooner...
Darwin: But we really needed help since we didn't know our way back!
Gumball: Yeah, b-but... *struggles to form words* I-I- *sighs in disappointment of himsef* This is our fault... 
Anais: Gumball, we should keeping looking for them!
Gumball: But-
Anais: No buts!! We promised to help Jazelle find her family, so we're doing it!
Gumball: *sighs sadly* Alright... Darwin, come on. *walks down the road*
Darwin: What are we doing now?
Gumball: We're going to keep finding Melody and her grandma.
Darwin: What? Why? They're probably not here...
Gumball: I know they're somewhere! Just follow my lead, okay?
Darwin: A-Alright...

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