Stay together and get along!!

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We're out of the boat and waiting for Jazelle to find the next path home. The bridge is on fire from collapsing along with the tanker's flames... I hope no one was on the bridge and I hope the people on the boat survived...

Gumball: *leans on the wall near a subway entrance and sighs tiredly* 
Anais: That's just more of the waters on fire! This couldn't get any worse!
Darwin: But wait... How can there be a fire when there's the water? Logic is making no sense here...
Anais: It's flammable. It doesn't mix with water.
Darwin: Ohh... That's going to take a while to go away...
Anais: They don't even know how to manage things like that!
Gumball: It's like this world just... Fell apart within minutes of me saying it should be destroyed since I hated it...
Darwin: You said what?
Gumball: Nothing... *looks away sadly*

I really think this is all my fault... Just saying those words to Penny... Is it what caused this to happen...? There's lots of fantasies in this world, so...

Jazelle: *comes out of the entrance* Whew! Okay, guys! I got a map to find the rest of our way home. There are a few rest stops so maybe we can stop there.
Anais: Yayyy! Will we get food soon?
Jazelle: Soon we will, Anais! Now come on! We've got a home to head back to! *smiles and grabs her hand along with Darwin's hand pulling them up*
Gumball: Got it... *stands up slowly and grabs her hand*

We're still a long way home... And it's a long trip that will kill my legs.

Down the sidewalk...

Anais: *smiles walking* Can't wait to get hoooome!!!
Darwin: I want to go see Mrs. Mom and Mr. Dad again!
Jazelle: Is that so? Hahaha! I would love to see Melody and my mother again!
Gumball: Nnnhh... *clutches his stomach with his left hand* Gosh darnit...

A stomachache at this time? Geez, I won't be having a good time today...

Jazelle: *looks at her map* We should be able to find a rest spot nearby... The nearest one is just two miles away... *looks around the area*
Darwin: Oh, look! There's a radio tower! I think we're getting close to Elmore!
Anais: We see this tower every time we're at home or at school! 
Jazelle: Hmm... *looks at the tower* Yes, it seems we are getting close to Elmore!
Anais: We'll be able to get home quickly, right?
Darwin: Yeah!
Anais: What about you, Gumball? We're getting close to home, right?
Gumball: N-No! We're still far away and it's going to take days for us to get there with this stupid crisis going on!
Anais: Awww, come on! At least we'll have fun when we get home!
Gumball: Doesn't seem like it. Our legs would be dead alre- *stomach grumbles and clutches his stomach hard* Hnh... Well, my stomach would be dead soon...
Jazelle: What's up, Gumby? You feeling sick in the stomach?
Gumball: No! I-I'm fine...! I'm just a bit nervous all of a sudden!
Jazelle: Hm. Let me know if you're feeling under the weather, okay?
Gumball: R-Right...
Anais: Oh! Gumball! When we get home, I'll let you have my favorite cereal! Daisy Flakes!
Gumball: Why bring that up at this time?!
Anais: You've always wanted to try it because you're such a big sweet eater!
Darwin: Sweet eater? All he does is eat Smashmallows!
Gumball: Auhh... *groans and clutches his stomach harder*
Anais: But he also loves eating pizza and a lot of sandwiches at school which are a lot of calories!
Darwin: Anaiiiss!! Hahahhaha! *laughs happily*
Gumball: Awwwghhhh... Just mentioning food makes me want to just... Blegh...
Jazelle: *notices him clutching his stomach* We're close to the rest stop, Gumball. I'm sure they got potties in there.
Gumball: Yeah... Nnnh...

I wonder if that pasta was poisoned or something... It seemed delicious to me! But why am I getting sick already hours after eating it?

Jazelle: *sees a stand giving away bags* Okay, guys! Stay right here! I need to find something quick. *winks at them and runs to the stand*
Gumball: Mmmnh... Augh... *limps to the brick wall edge while clutching his stomach and sits down*
Anais: *sits down right beside him and swings her legs looking around*
Darwin: You know... Are there any vacations being planned today?
Gumball: No...
Anais: Well, I want to visit Granny Jojo, Grandpa Louie, and Grandpa Frankie this summer! I haven't seen them in a while and I want to see them again!
Gumball: We're not going to Granny Jojo's this month!! Mom said we can't because they both have problems with each other! Granny Jojo can't get along with Grandpa Frankie whenever he's around and Mom is always fighting with her!
Anais: *frowns and whines* Awwww, come onnnn!! What about Grandma Mary and Grandpa Danie-
Gumball: Not them either! Mom can't even get along with them too!
Darwin: But I think they would start getting along since this event happened!
Gumball: No, Darwin... They just can't get along. They never will.
Jazelle: *runs to them quickly* I'm back!! *pants softly* Sorry for the long wait... But Gumball... *looks at Gumball with a concerned look* Did that pasta make you sick?
Gumball: Ah- *blushes in embarrassment* N-No! It didn't! It's probably me starving or something!
Jazelle: *hands him a portable toilet* Here. A portable toilet.
Gumball: Wh-Wha... 
Anais: A portable toilet? Ooohhhh!! I've never seen these before! *stands up from the platform*
Darwin: Let me see, let me see! *takes the bag and opens it*
Anais: It's made out of paper!!! *fidgets with the paper bag*

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