Everything just burns like wildfires.

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A world of grass with just one tree and a blue sky... And a smiling sun... Feels so familiar but lonely...

Gumball: Mmmmm... *moves in his sleep and hears noises* Who's making that noise... *pulls himself up and rubs his eyes* Mmmm...? *looks up and sees a sunny sky*

Oh... The rain is gone... Lucky for us...

Gumball: *sees Darwin and Anais asleep* Hmm... They must be tired as heck... *yawns gently* Auuhh... *stands up from the bleachers but hears a helicopter* Huh? *sees a helicopter passing by and heading to an area full of smoke* Oh... *gets up and sees the fires at a bridge* 
Darwin: *mumbles and trips down a staircase* WAH! *catches himself by the bleachers* Mmnghh... *gets up and rubs his eyes* Gumbaaallll?
Anais: Mmmm... *pulls herself up* Morning already... *stands up from the bleachers* Gumball, what are you- *sees the fire going on at the bridge and eyes widen in shock*
Darwin: A fire?! I never realized that such a strong shake can cause fire!
Gumball: *watches the fire ablaze at the bridge and winces a little* Nnh...

This feels like a dream... But it's not... This is... This is real...

Gumball: *sighs tiredly and sits down* What are we going to do now...?
Darwin: Try to find a way home! I know we can get home as soon as possible! Maybe by a bike!
Gumball: Did you forget? We can't go by any vehicle at all because of the damage!!
Darwin: Ohhh, right...
Anais: *looks around for Jazelle* Where's Jazelle?
Gumball: I don't know. *looks around for her* She probably must be busy or may have ditched us like other adults do. *takes out his phone and tries to call his mom*
Darwin: Well, if she did, we can head home ourselves together!
Gumball: That's what I'm saying!! *hears a message go off on his phone* Ugh. Nothing.
Anais: No service yet?
Gumball: Yeah... No service... *puts his phone in his pocket* I just want to tell Mom we're okay, but none of the services are being put on! Geez!
Anais: I just hope Mom and Dad are okay... They could be worried sick!!
Gumball: Of course they will. Mom would have a panic attack.
Anais: But we'll get back home to them, right?
Gumball: Mmm...
Anais: Right, Gumball? 
Gumball: Yeah, we'll get to them, okay?! Just stop talking about it because we'll struggle more on our way home if you keep doing it!
Darwin: Gumball, calm down!!
Anais: Ah- G-Gumball... Come on... I know it's tough but-
Jazelle: Whoa, you three! Calm down! *puts her bags down near them* It seems like you both are hungry considering you guys are getting cranky! There's a thing called hangry!! Haha! 
Anais: Jazelle!! You got food?
Jazelle: Of course I did! *takes out some to-go pasta packages from the bags* Some pasta to boost your energy up!
Darwin: PASTAAAA!! *grabs one of the packages* Is it warm?
Jazelle: Yeah!
Darwin: Yayyyy!! *opens the box and sees pasta inside* Oooooh! Yummyyy!!
Gumball: *grabs his pasta package* How did you get this?
Jazelle: Some stores are open and selling food to people for emergency. *hands the kids forks* Now come on! Eat up!
Gumball: O-Okay. *opens his pasta package and takes off the wrapper* Whoa... This is already cooked! *takes a bite with his plastic fork* Mmmm!! This is delicious!! *smiles a little*
Darwin: *chomps down on the pasta* SOOOO GOOOODDD!!! 

I never knew California could make pasta this good! Though it's breakfast and I wanted something sweet... Oh, well! At least it's delicious!

Gumball: *keeps eating his pasta* Next time bring ush inshtead of leave ush, Jash. We thought you ditshed ush.
Jazelle: Hmm, alright! It seems like you were sad when I left, eh?
Gumball: N-Not really. I just-
Jazelle: Oh, I see! You don't like it when you're alone! *smiles and laughs* Hahahaha!
Gumball: Stooooop!!!
Jazelle: Well, why don't we make a promise?
Gumball: What promise?
Jazelle: How about we promise each other to stay together while we head home? Stay in our heart of four?
Anais: That would be a great idea! We'll be just fine doing that!
Darwin: We won't separate as long as we stay together!
Gumball: That's fine by me... But why do so much for us...? You have a daughter and a mother to find, you know... Shouldn't they be more important to help than helping us?
Jazelle: Well... You're right about that. But we live near each other, so there's a reason why I should help because you kids are all alone and need help in the journey.
Anais: It's very nice of you to help us, Jazelle! We probably wouldn't be safe out there if you didn't help Gumball find us!
Jazelle: *chuckles softly* Haha, it's no problem! Heh... I know I have a kid waiting for me to be back home, but during the way, I should lead you three home as we live close. *smiles stoically*
Gumball: Mmm... Yeah... *keeps eating his pasta*

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