Autumn evening's misfortune.

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After letting Jazelle heal since she developed a fever last night, we're back on the road again! We're getting closer to home as time goes by, and I'm hoping we get there quicker!

Gumball: So, Jazelle... Are you fully healed?
Jazelle: Of course I am! I'm fully charged thanks to you guys! Look! *squishes his hand tight*
Gumball: OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW!!! *struggles to let her hand go*
Darwin: AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! *struggles to let her hand go*
Anais: Surprisingly enough, I'm not holding her hand!
Jazelle: See? *grins at them*
Gumball: Geez, you didn't have to do that!!
Jazelle: Well, it's to tell you I'm strong. *smiles at them*
Anais: Wow! You're very strong!
Jazelle: Yes, I am! Anyways, we'll be passing another town and then we will get back home safely.
Gumball: Okay then!

There's construction still going on... But I haven't felt any aftershocks lately...

Gumball: I used to pass by here every time I was on the bus, but now it feels like I'm in the wrong place...
Jazelle: It's pretty damaged, that's why it feels like that.
Darwin: Makes sense.
Anais: Nnnh- *gets a little dizzy* Ughhh... *regains composure and sees a crowd near a destructed area* Uh, what's that over there?
Darwin: A robot??
Rescuer: We're going to lift the top slab first!
Anais: Let me see! *runs to the crowd*
Gumball: HEY, WAIT FOR ME!! *follows her along with Darwin*
Anais: *pushes through the crowd and sees robots* Whooaaa!! 
Rescuer #1: We found a survivor that is conscious!! 
Rescuer #2: Are you alright, mister? *bends down on his knees and looks at the man* Can you tell us your name?
*everyone claps and responds in astonishment* 
Anais: Wow...
Gumball: *pushes through the crowd and comes to Anais* A robot just rescued a person? 
Darwin: That's sooo cool!
Jazelle: *appears through the crowd in front of the kids* Guys, don't just go on without me! We have to stay together! *pats Gumball and Darwin on the heads*
Gumball: Oh! Sorry, Jaz!
Clare: *goes in front of them and writes something down*
Gumball: Hey! We can't see, miss! We- Wait... Clare?
Anais: Oh! Hi, Clare! What you drawing?
Clare: Hm? *turns around and sees the three* Ohhh! Hi, Anais! I'm surprised you're here during this disaster!
Anais: It was a hard journey, but I'm doing alright! Anyways, what you doing?
Clare: Well, I'm drawing a robot!
Anais: It looks great! *looks at her notepad* Lots of information is labeled in there!
Gumball: That's some complex stuff right there, Clare...
Darwin: What kind of robot is it?
Clare: No need to be so nosy, geez! It's just a sketch of a robot with details written on it, so it's not really a drawing! It's those robots they used to rescue the person!

So Clare is here studying robots... Why the heck is she studying robots in the first place?

Clare: *sees a small robot pass by* Oh! *looks at Anais* Do you know what those robots are?
Anais: Ehhh, no?
Clare: I don't know them too, so no need to worry! Haha!
Anais: Well, what are they?
Clare: I think they are rescue robots... They must be testing it out for the first time!
Anais: Are they looking for people that are still alive in the destruction?
Clare: I think so!
Anais: They must be like the big robots, then! You really know a lot about robots, huh?
Clare: I kind of do! I'm still studying it, though.
Gumball: *sees the small robot look around and walks to Anais* Wow! I wonder what that robot's doing! Spying on us for anything dangerous? Haha!
Clare: Uhhh, Gumball. You don't know what that robot really does?
Darwin: Is it double-checking for survivors?
Clare: Maybe! Looks like they are digging to see if there are any more people under there!.
Gumball: I- What?! How?!
Darwin: Just a hunch. *shrugs at him*
*robot trips and falls into the bricks*
Darwin: *slaps him on the cheek*
Gumball: Owwww!! *puts his hand on his cheek* What was that for?!
Darwin: It's not nice to laugh at something that's trying to search for people in there, dummy!!
Clare: Yeah, they're unstable since this is just the first models. But they are double checking to see if there is anyone else under there before the job is done. *smiles at them*
Anais: Wow!!! Cooool!!
Gumball: Mmmnghh... *looks away irritated*

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