Bonus Chapter: Tough day again.

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It's another day at school... Two days before the Winter Break starts... And I'm already stressed from how many exams I have to take. I don't know why they have to start exams right before Winter Break.

Gumball: *sits on his chair and sighs* 
Darwin: Whew... Another exam... This time it's the math one...
Gumball: Ughhh, I'm gonna flunk this test! I'm not good at math, Darwin!
Darwin: I'm sure you'll do well in it! After all, you got a bit of tutoring from Penny and me!
Gumball: Yeah, I guess... I hope I can ace it this time...
Darwin: You will! I'm sure of it! *smiles at him*
Gumball: *smiles a bit* Hehe... Thanks, Darwin...
Miss Simian: *enters the classroom and shuts the door* Alright! Everybody shut your mouths!
*everyone goes silent*
Miss Simian: Despite the disaster that happened almost a month ago, we're still doing exams like we usually do every time before the Winter Break begins! We will be doing the math exam today!
*everyone groans in the classroom*
Jamie: Man, can we just have a break?! This school is still damaged even when that earthquake happened!
Miss Simian: We don't care about that! School still has to go on! You kids need an education, especially you Jamie because you've failed 7th grade once! Your so called T-Rex best friend failed twice! You two don't wanna fail twice!
Jamie: *sighs angrily and slumps on her seat* Whatever!!
Tina: Uhhh, I wasn't supposed to be involved in this, but- Ughhhh!
Miss Simian: Moving on! *grabs the stack of papers and passes it around to the students* You know the rules! You talk, you get a zero! You play on your phone, it's confiscated and sent to Mr. Small's! You lolly-gag around or do worse, you're sent home and you immediately fail 7th grade!
Gumball: *rolls his eyes and grabs his pencil*
Miss Simian: *walks down to her desk and sits down* You can turn over your tests and begin.
Gumball: *flips over the test and looks at the problems*

Ugh... This is gonna be horrible... But I can do this... I can make it through this...

Three hours later...

Gumball: *snores while laying his head on the desk with his arms crossed*
Miss Simian: Okay, it seems like everybody is done with their tests! You can get on your phones, do whatever! Just don't be noisy because there's other classes testing!
Gumball: Hnnnhhh... *slowly opens his eyes and lifts his head up* Is it time to go alreadyyy...?
Darwin: No, dude. People are still testing, we gotta sit around for a while.
Gumball: I'm still tired... *yawns and lays his head down on his arms* I'm gonna sleep while I'm at it... This exam made my brain short circuit too much...
Darwin: Yeah, me too. *lays his head on the desk* But this feels uncomfortable.
Gumball: That's because you're a fish with legs...
Darwin: Dude, don't rub it in.

Sleeping will ease my anxiety over how well I did on the test...

Gumball: *walks out of the classroom and yawns* Man, that was torture...
Darwin: I know, right? Staying in a classroom for four hours is too much!
Gumball: Ehhh... It's mostly the exam that had me on edge... I'm too afraid to look at what my grade is...
Darwin: They'll pass it out at the end of the day, dude. I'm sure things will be fine.
Gumball: Yeah... *looks around the hallways and sees a few people walking around* Feels too different in here...
Darwin: Yeah, it's been a while since that horrible event happened...
Gumball: Yeah... T-The earthquake...

Every time I remember it, it feels like I could punch myself in the face... I hate those days, I hate it... I lost Anais after all that journeying and I hate remembering it all... Not to mention I wished disaster in this world and it happened in a few seconds...

Darwin: I kind of feel bad for Tobias though... His father died and he hasn't came back to school ever since....
Gumball: Harold was a jerk anyway. He wanted to get his phone back more than his family, so he did it and he got death as his reward.
Darwin: But we still gotta pay our respects! Even if they did bad, we should have gave them some final words!
Gumball: Yeah, I know. Tobias deserved better, but his father never should have been a father if he were to care so much about richness.
Darwin: Mmm... What about Rachel? I haven't heard from her since she's at college.
Gumball: I don't know what's up with her either. I haven't heard from her Elmore Plus account today. Neither did she bother to use her brother's account to update on what's up.

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