The world is broken now...

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Earthquake's gone... It's gone... 

Gumball: *lets go of the railing and grabs his phone* Nnh... *sniff* Auhh... *sniffles and gets up looking around* 

Too much smoke... I can't see anything out there but smoke...

Gumball: Nn-Nnngh... *tears fill up his eyes and sees someone bleeding on the head*
Triangle Man: Hey, are you okay??
Pizza Man: Ughhh-ghhhhh....
Gumball: Ngh... *clutches his phone hard onto his chest and whimpers while tears stream down his face* Nnnnhhhh!! *hicc*

I just need to find Anais and Darwin... I just have to find them...

Gumball: Wh-What do I do...? *sniffles and looks behind him* Anais... Darwin... *puts Anais's backpack on and runs back inside the building* I have to find them...! *sniffles and keeps running*

I have to find Anais and Darwin! I can't just leave them there! I have to find them!

Inside the damaged mall...

Gumball: *stays standing at the door while everyone runs out* Okay... Now's my cha- *gets bumped by someone * AAAHGH! *falls onto the floor*
That Someone: Don't just stand there, you idiot! Move it!! *runs out of the building*
Gumball: I... Nnh... *wipes his tears and gets up walking inside*

I don't care!! I just have to find them or else I would be destroyed!!

Gumball: *looks around and sees everyone walking out* A-Anais...? Darwin...? *rushes to random people* E-Excuse me... *talks to another one* Have you seen a-a pink bunny and a goldfish- *sees them walking away* Nnnh... *wipes his eyes again and finds maps scattered on the floor* Maps... *grabs one and looks at it* They should still be at the bathroom... *sees the long way up the bathroom and walks up the path* This thing had got... Very steep... *suddenly slips on his feet* Ahh!! *catches himself* Darn it... *gets back up and keeps walking*

They should be in the bathroom! I know they are!

Gumball: *enters the bathroom and walks in slowly* Anais? Darwin? *sees water shooting out of the sinks* Oh my gosh... I-It's very bad in here... *looks under the stall doors* Nobody in there... They should be in the other bathroom!! *leaves the damaged bathroom*
Hamburger Cop: The exit is just straight ahead! Stay calm and keep moving!! *sees Gumball heading the opposite direction* Hey! Get back over here! It's too dangerous there!!
Gumball: *ignores him and keeps going*
Hamburger Cop: Mmh... *runs to him fast* You! The blue cat! *grabs his shoulder*
Gumball: LET GO OF ME!!! *snatches his hand away from him*
Hamburger Cop: It's too dangerous to go there! There's a fire burning down there, so it's not worth the risk!
Gumball: N-No... My brother and sister are there... *sniff* And if I- *hears rumbling* Huh...?
Hamburger Cop: Oh no... Another one...
Gumball: Another e-earthqua-
*shaking gets stronger and swifts the whole area*
Gumball: WAHHHH!!! *is swung from the force and falls on the floor* Ngh- *clutches his head and whimpers* Nnnh- Nnh- Nnh- Nnnhh- Nnhh- Nnh- Nnh- *ceiling piece falls and crushes right beside him* WAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *screams and cries loudly* AAAUGHHHHH-HUHHHHHH!! *HICC*


Gumball: *between sobs* WHAAAA-AAA-HAAA-AAAAT?!?!
???: I SAID GET INTO THE WALL!!! *pulls his shirt pulling him out of the way before a big piece crushes the floor*
Gumball: AHHH!!! *falls onto the floor and looks at the damage panting hard* Hhh- Hhh- Hhh- Hhh- Hhh- Hhhh-
???: Whew... Earthquake's over... That was a close call! I guess you could call that a good save!
Gumball: *turns around and sees Jazelle* Th-Thank you so much... I- *realizes her appearance* 

Don't I remember her from that time she gave us that flower clip? And... That day she was watching me and Dad try to confront Harold... Do I remember that?

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