Chapter 3 - The Mysterious Racer

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     "Yaay! Race Time!" Tony grabbed his black leather jacket and raced out the door, bumping into Layla, knocking her onto the ground, and tumbling on top of her. 

"Seriously Toretto!?", Layla shouted in disbelief, "Get off me!" Tony grinned sheepishly and got up.

 "It's race time!" He shouted and ran out the door. Echo rolled her eyes and headed towards her car.

 "Let's go," she called to Frostee, Cisco, and Layla.

     "Where is she?" Tony groaned as he waited, "Don't tell me I've been ditched." Layla and Echo burst into laughter.

 "I told you so," Echo laughed, "She's a no-show." Layla bent over in laughter and slapped her thigh. Frostee and Cisco shook their heads in disbelief.

"No, we really saw her!" Frostee argued.

 "Yeah!" Cisco chimed in. 

"Where could she be?" Tony wondered aloud, hopes low. Just then, Paige's car drifted into the parking lot closely followed by a Macallister Superfin. Layla tensed up beside Echo.

"Shashi." She growled. 

"Paige!" Tony exclaimed. Paige opened her car door and strode towards Tony (Today, she was dressed in leather, chunky black boots, and she wore her signature reflective sunglasses) and Shashi was right behind her also wearing reflective sunglasses. 

    "Shashi!" Tony glared at him. 

"Hey Tony, long time no see," Shashi smirked. 

"Relax Tony, he's with me," Paige nodded towards Shashi, "Let's race." 

"Okay," Tony agreed, "But first, I have some friends who doubted me about you. This is Layla and Echo." Paige looks them up and down.

 "Uh what? I'm confused. So they thought I didn't exist??" Paige asked, "But, nice to meet you anyway." The friends, or enemies, walked towards each of their cars and drove to the starting line. 

"Race to the Complex and back here," Frostee instructed. 

"Hold up, Hold up", Shashi interrupted," I want to race too." Tony raised his eyebrows.

"If Shashi's racing, then so am I," Layla says and jumps in her car. 

"I will be the referee," Frostee offered as the DJ drone hovered into the air, "Since I'm not old enough to drive yet."

   "Ready, set," The tires squealed against the pavement road, "GO!" Frostee shouted and was bombarded by a cloud of smoke. Paige veered and sped forward, taking an early lead. Shashi and Layla were close behind, trying to shake each other off. Tony was on Paige's tail, veering in closely until he was neck to neck with her car. 

"May the best win!" Paige finished and flashed a charming smile at him. Tony blushed and swerved off track letting Paige get a few minutes of a head start. Paige laughed and called out the window, "And just like that, Tony and his goofy smile give me a head start!" She stepped harder on the accelerator pedal and took the lead. 

     Now Layla and Shashi were closing up behind Tony so he sped up toward Paige. Paige let him go first and then said.

 "Hey, Tony!! You wanna go on a date with me?" Tony blushed and swerved off the tracks. While he was at it, Paige called back to him, "Never mind, Toretto I don't have time. 'Cause I'll be too busy winning!!" Tony slapped his steering wheel with his hand.

"How does she do that? She pulled that same trick on me twice!" Tony glanced at his rearview mirror, "Probably, because she is almost as good-looking as me!" Layla looked at him like he was crazy. 

"Seriously. Toretto?!! Stop admiring yourself in the mirror you let Paige go first!" 

"Well I...wait...where is Shashi?" Tony said. 

"Well, he got away!" Layla said. They were now closing up to the finish line and sped up. They both crossed the finish line. At the finish line and Tony jumped out of his car first about to shout, 'I win!'. But realized that Paige was already on the hood of her car halfway through her taco and Shashi was scrolling through his phone.

      Tony's crew walked up to him and showered him with questions. "Why didn't you win? What happened back there?" Echo asked. 

"Yeah T, why did you start fast and end slow? That's not how a race works you know." Frostee agreed. 

"Yeah man, they would've had to suffer and buy us . . . I mean you, TACOS!! I repeat TACOS!!" Cisco wailed. 

"Guys, listen, the craziest thing happened," Tony began, but Layla cut in.

"Y'all see he was like crazy out there. Wanna know why? So Tony got distracted by Paige becau-" Tony interrupted Layla. 

"Whatever you do, DON'T listen to her!!!" Echo rolled her eyes.

"What are you hiding from us, T?" "

"Yeah!! We wanna know! We DESERVE to know." Frostee cheered and Cisco nodded.

 "We're a family remember?"

 Layla rolled her eyes and face-palmed.

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