Chapter 4- Barbecue Party!

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     "Anyways, as I was saying, we lost because Tony was distracted by Paige!" Layla said, laughing. Tony turned red. Echo looked over at Tony and saw that he was blushing. 

"What?!! How? We wanna know!" 

"Gladly!" Layla grinned, "So Paige was asking if Tony to go on the date with her." 

"What did Tony say?" Cisco asked. 

"The idiot didn't know Paige was already dating Shashi so, of course, he said yes!" Echo widened her eyes and choked back a laugh. 

"He was rejected!" Echo bent over in laughter. Cisco went to Tony and patted him on the back.

 "Man, I am so sorry!" Cisco said comfortingly. Tony groaned and buried his face in his hands.        Shashi was heading over to them, Paige following.

 "Good race, eh Tony?" Shashi smirked and draped his arm around Paige. Paige gave an identical smirk.

 "Yes, it was so easy. Hey, this might be the easiest race I've ever been in. I'll host a barbecue party. Y 'all invited!" Cisco and Frostee cheered.

"Yeah, this makes up," Cisco began, "For you rejecting Tony." Frostee ended with a clap. Echo did a facepalm while Tony slumped. 

"Wait, hold up, hold up." Layla directed, "Tony, stand next to Paige." Tony did as told and Layla continued, "Do you see what I'm seeing guys? They're twins!" Indeed, Tony did look exactly like the male version of Paige except Paige's hair was lined with blue streaks. 

"Mhm. Yeah!" Everyone agreed in unison. 

"I only asked Tony out because he is as beautiful as me," Paige joked. Everyone laughed but Layla scowled.  Frostee noticed Layla scowling and teased. 

" What's wrong, Layla? Are you jealous?" Layla snapped right back.

"What? Me? Jealous of who?"  A grin appeared on Frostee's face.

" Of Tony having a huge and OBVIOUS crush on Paige!" 

"Eww. Why would I be?" Layla shot back. Tony headed towards his car. 

"Hey, Tony!  Don't forget my barbecue tonight! It wouldn't be good if you didn't come!" Paige called after him sweetly. 

"I won't!" Tony called and a goofy smile appeared on his face.                                                               

     They soon reached Shashi and Paige's mansion. They went in the front door and saw Paige and Shashi on the couch waiting for them.  Shashi grinned and walked up to them. 

" Finally! They're here!" Paige followed him.

" Alright! Let's get this party started!" She punched a fist into the air. 

"Follow us," Shashi gestured towards the big backyard. The BBQ equipment was already set up. 

"WOW! This is  food heaven!" Cisco gasped. "SO MANY THINGS! Can I do the barbecuing?" Paige looked confused, "Sure,  but we have someone to do that already. Her name is Chanda."                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Paige smiled at a teenage girl (about the spy racer's age, 17) with fair mocha skin and long mahogany-colored curls. Chanda waved and smiled shyly. And then Cisco did the unthinkable, he blushed! Layla elbowed Tony and they grinned at each other. Frostee slid towards the table closest to the BBQ and sat on a chair followed by Cisco. 

" Hey, I'm just gonna go to the grill where Chanda is. I'm gonna to see if she wants any help. Man, I am really looking forward to the food!" Cisco smiled and headed over to the BBQ. 

"Shashi, can I spray paint that wall?" Echo said to Shashi, pointing towards the back wall. 

"Sure," Shashi replied without hesitation. "

Hey Echo! I heard you are a great artist." Paige called. Echo shrugged.

"I'm okay."

 "Can you do our supercars too? We have," Paige paused and looked at Shashi he nodded. " A few," She finished.  "Yes, okay," Echo grinned. This was like a dream come true "Thanks, bro." Cisco felt like he was on cloud nine he had met food and the girl of his dreams all in one day! Paige walked over to Shashi and picked a chip off his plate.

 "I have to tell you something," Shashi whispered.

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