Chapter 8- Daphne Flame

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"I said, why are you looking through my phone?" Layla yelled at the same time Tony yelled.

 "You like-like me?"  There was a thick uncomfortable silence between the two and Layla began blushing. The blushing was contagious because somehow, Tony was blushing too.

 "Listen, um, I'm sorry for going through your phone, but I like you too," Tony said and blushed profusely. Layla took a step towards him, and then another until their faces were inches apart. 

"Tony, remember when you saved me from the train? That was when I realized my true feelings for you. I love you, Tony." Tony grinned. 

"I love you too." And he pinned her against the wall, and kissed her, first, gently and unsure, but then growing in intensity and passion. They both realized what they'd been missing their whole lives.        

"I'm here!" Paige's voice rang into the garage and breaking the moment, she gasped and Shashi laughed. Tony and Layla broke apart. Paige's mouth dropped open, and she smiled.

 "What was that I saw?" She squealed in a high singsong voice. 

"Nothing !" Both Layla and Tony said at the exact same time and they smiled. 

"You're lucky I got that moment on my phone," Shashi smirked and showed the photo to Paige. 

"Guys, shhh... Are rich people normally this loud? " Tony asked.

 "You guys must respect our wish o keep this a secret." Paige nodded, "You got it, bro!" 

Just then, Cisco came in, "What secret?" He bellowed.

 "It better not be the food you're hiding from me! Wait, Paige, you and Tony are siblings? You look like siblings."                   

 "No, no food, how much did you hear?" Layla asked him, finally finding her voice.

" Something about secrets and brothers. Are you sure Tony and Paige aren't siblings?" Shashi was about to reply when Echo poked her head into the garage.

 "Daphne has arrived!" She called. 

"Oh, no!" Paige cried, put on her sunglasses, and rushed outside. The others quickly followed, and they saw a cherry red Ferrari with a flame painted on the hood. A woman with platinum blonde hair stepped out of the car, wearing a red tracksuit. 

"Paige Ivy, long time no see," Her maroon-colored lips curved into a smile. 

"Likewise, friend," Paige said, her posture stiff, "Let's race, got your 10 million?" When the others heard the price, their jaws dropped in shock.

 "Paige hon, the winner gets 10 million and the opponent's car." Paige gestured for Frostee to place 2 trackers on both their cars, "Can you be ref?" While Frostee squealed in delight, Paige and Daphne got in their cars, 

"You're going to do fine," Shashi tells Paige and he kissed her.                                                           

"3...2...1...GO!" Both cars sped forward, and there was no looking back. 

"They are still neck to neck," Frostee reported 5 minutes during the race.

 "Daphne Flame is slightly forward right now but Paige catches up again! This may be a tie in the end! How exciting!" Daphne slams her car into Paige's causing her to lose control, then, she spills oil onto the road. Luckily, Paige sees this and avoids it by an inch, and she speeds up to catch Daphne. The finish line was in sight, Paige stepped on the acceleration pedal and closed in. Frostee screamed, Cisco closed his eyes, Shashi cheered and Tony was jumping up and down. "And the Winner is..."                                                                    

"Paige Ivy!" Everyone burst into cheers as both cars skidded to a stop. Daphne came out and slammed the door.

 "Paige the rat cheated, didn't you see her?" Everyone nervously shook their heads. 

 "I am SO OUT OF HERE!" She shouted and got in her car, "I HATE YOU BEXLEY TORETTO! I WILL GET MY REVENGE IF ITS THE LAST THING I'LL EVER DO!" She drove off, and Paige's mouth dropped open in horror.

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