Chapter 5- The Black Rose

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"Listen, I have to tell you something," Shashi said as he led Paige down the dimly lit corridor. They had not noticed Tony, who was following them. He could not make out all the words for they were speaking in hushed tones. ".....Stolen.....The Black Rose.....Money...Present..." Paige's face turned pale. Tony was confused, what was the Black Rose? He decided to sneak back to the party because Shashi and Paige were turning back.                                                                                                    After the party, Tony and his "family" went back to the garage, where Ms.Nowhere and Gary were waiting for them. "We have a new mission guys, take a seat." Gary tapped on his laptop and projected a black car with white roses on the wheels. 

"This is the black rose. It was being sold to a rich buyer who wants to remain anonymous when it was stolen. The client is really angry and hired us to find the car for him. But, here's the catch." Ms.Nowhere took a deep breath and spat out the words," I think I can trust you to be on your own on this mission." Layla's eyes grew wide.

 "Guys. are you hearing what I'm hearing?" She responded with the sounds of cheering.

 "I will be on my own mission," Ms.Nowhere continued, "Call me if you have any problems with the mission. Goodbye."  They all nodded, excited. Tony was deep in thought.

 "The Black Rose? Where have I heard that before? Oh right! Shashi and Paige. Should I tell the others?" He made his decision and spoke up, "Guys? I may have heard Shashi and Paige whispering about it when we were back at the party." 

Echo spun around, "And you're saying that now? You should've spoken up earlier! Here's the plan, tomorrow you go to their house and investigate." Cisco licked his fro-yo and said dreamily. 

"Maybe I can meet Chanda again." Echo glared at him.

 "Snap it out you fool! You've been rambling about her for the whole day! Anyways, to go into their house, we need an invitation, and who better than Tony to ask for it?" Echo smiled smugly at Layla, who groaned. Frostee grinned big.

 "Don't be jealous Layla, Paige already has a boyfriend who happens to be your ex-boss. No other than Shashi." Layla rolled her eyes.

"I am not jealous, and does that make it any better? Shashi is a slimy criminal!" Layla rolled her eyes, walked off, and slammed the door.                                                                                                            

"What's her problem?" Echo asked. Tony typed on his phone and invited Paige over. Paige responded with a single letter, "k'. 

"She's coming over!" Tony squealed in delight, "Frostee, clean the tables, Cisco, prepare the food, and Echo sweep the floor!" Frostee crossed his arms.

"And what exactly are you going to do? Give moral support?" Tony nodded. 

"That was a joke Tony," Echo rolled her eyes and handed Tony the broom, "Sweep." She ordered. Layla walked back in and everyone was running around, doing chores.

 "Wow! What's the occasion? You guys haven't cleaned in months." Cisco was stirring a large pot of Mexican chicken stew he looked up and replied.

"Paige is coming over. You can mop the floor." Layla groaned and rolled her eyes, "One day, I'm going to roll my eyes so hard my eyes fall out. And no, I will not mop the floor." Moments later, a gold, flashy i8 showed up. It was Paige and Shashi. 

"Time for interrogation." Echo smiled and taps her fingertips together.                     

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